Why Are People So Mean?

in #life7 years ago


Its easy to understand why people are NICE to each other... it gives you (most people anyways) a warm fuzzy feeling to know they're making someone feel good. We are social beings as humans and need positive reinforcement and crave to be "liked" and accepted.

But why is it that some people feel the need and urge to be mean to others for no reason at all?

In my opinion and from what ive seen, people who are mean even to others whom are undeserving of it, have some sort of self doubt or unresolved hurt. By taking it out on others and belittling them or making them feel hurt and small, it boosts them up. They don't feel as bad about whatever demons theyre carrying around and feel a sense of power.

I don't understand this... I mean, I get it, I get why these angry people do it.


If these people whom are hurt and dealing with their own pain and regrets in life would just be NICE to the people who treat them nice or even just random people; I think their happiness would begin to sprout from this.

I believe that if they would just open their hearts and eyes to see that life IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT, that they would be more prone to put in POSITIVE efforts vs negative.

We can ALL be a little "mean" at times, sure, we are human. And although (most of us) do our very best to avoid hurting others, there are some who just have a emotional brick wall up around them and anytime someone gets in closer they snap,

I've sat back and watched people I love slip into depression and go from happy go lucky to a very bitter angry person.

Just simply being nice or doing something nice could effect heir entire day for the better. You just never know who you're talking to may have had the worst day ever and your simple act of kindness she was

Next time someone says something mean and makes you feel bad or even cry, Stop, and remember, THEYRE the ones miserable in life who feel the need to be nasty to other people; pick your head back up, hold it high and say, I'm happier with my life than to let your hateful words affect me in any way. Also, throw in a nice compliment to them, and walk away.!



I totally agree! It’s funny, cos me and my friend were actually speaking about this just yesterday. We can’t take our moods out on other people cos it eventually has a spiral effect.

EACTLY! Each day you wake up with a clean slate and choose to be and act however you want. If you CHOOSE to wake up every day and be mean to someone, that will also change their day and make them be sad or upset or mad all day as well... words are a powerful and dangerous thing , and people forget that

Yes people do seem to forget that. Even, I myself need to constantly remind myself of this. Even if we don’t think it could hurt, it potentially could. We don’t know what somebody is struggling with inside.

in todays world evey one in mean friend.no one will even talk with you if he has no advantage from you.people just make relationship and friendship for the seak of advanatge and their mean.

This is true. Everyone seeks what benefits them in one way or another. No one can just give to the needy anymore wthout taking a "selfie" with the person and blasting it on social media to make themselves feel high and mighty about themselves. What happened to doing something nice for someone just because and just out of the kindness of your heart and not to see how many "likes" you can get about it

I agree people are mean these days and it seems to be getting worse... what do you think is bringing this disgusting behavior out. Can't people treat each other with respect anymore? I think the main reason is the people being mean hate themselves more than the people they are being mean to. Sad!

I agree. I think a lot of times it has way more to do with whatever the person being mean is harvesting inside of them as far as hate anger or regret. Its sad, and it shouldn't be this way, but unfortunately people who are unhappy with their lives, end up making the people around them miserable... causing a domino affect of people get tired of being treated that way so they begin to leave, therefor increasing this persons depression more and they get meaner and meaner. I am unsure what the solution even is honestly. If everyone would just wake up every day and say I will NOT say anything mean or negative to anyone (could even make it a goal that if you disagree with someone to come up with a solution or compromise instead of being mean) then I think the world would be a happier place. Unfortunately mean people have to start fixing them selves first before this issue will go away... and most these people have too big of an ego to say, you know what, you're right, I'm an ass, and I'm going to work on it, So until they are ready to not be so mean, the domino affect continues... unfortunately

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