The Secret Weapon That You Have Neglected All Your Life...

in #life6 years ago

Hello again, Steemians! In this blog post I want to talk to you about a neglected secret of mankind; The secret that is often spoken but rarely ever put to use. The secret that may not change your life, but can drastically change the way you rise up against your difficulties.
Sometimes life takes you to a dark small corner and punches you hard in the face. Even the very best of us may lose their balance and run away from the battlefield. The battlefield of life. In this challenging and unexpected path, each and every one of us needs reminders to help fuel strength and perseverance.

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Now, I do understand the cliché nature of what I am about to explain to you. It is a truth spoken in more languages and in more ways than anyone could ever be able to count. It is the pinnacle of every motivational philosophy in the world. It is the cornerstone of advice for healthy living. It is the treatment that is used against a thousand pains and diseases.
You know of what I speak. Some people get it into their heads that it is pretentious to smile or laugh without reason; people who would strip themselves of one of the most fundamental and unadulterated pleasures of man that comes without any cost, nor repercussions. As if you would need a reason to laugh!
In the March of 1995, an Indian physician named Madan Kataria sat down to write an article about laughter and how it is the best medicine that people could ever hope for in spite of the pains that they have to endure in their times of sickness. He went on to create the very first school of thought dedicated to the practice of laughing, which is now known as ‘Laughter Yoga.’ In his own words, “When you laugh, you change. When you change, the whole world changes.”

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We can get caught up in all sorts of scientific explanation and data proving that laughter is the best medicine of all. Laughter is the enemy of depression. Laughter alleviates boredom and anxiety. It is difficult to think about your problems when you are laughing. Even when you are feeling down or having a breakdown, laughter can take you away from that sense of being drowned or lost.
But we are not here to talk about scientific facts or treatments for sickness. What we always want to do is inspire our soul and stimulate our awareness to become more prepared against the challenges that we have to face every day in the path to greatness.

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Laughter and its powerful effects might indeed seem like a cliched and simple idea at first, but what I want to tell you is that you should never deprive yourself of this blessing that is given to us in spite of all the things that we have to tolerate in our lifetime.
Successful people say that we often find ourselves laughing at the problems that we once had to deal with, but are no longer of any importance or relevance to our life. So why not laugh at them from the very beginning, and then try to find a solution when they are actually bearable?
You have been given this counsel many times, but for once I would like to ask you to actually pay heed to how much you smile or laugh every day and how it could affect your mind and your soul. To think about how it could help your tolerance and your patience. To think about how you could, from now on, consciously laugh throughout specific times of the day and see the amazing results for yourself.
Laughter is not stupid. It does not require reason. And trust me, it is not pretentious. Those who attribute these qualities to laughing are never people with a mindset that strives towards great things, with challenges and obstacles innumerable. So, starting today, try to use this secret weapon to your advantage!

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My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?




Great post! I really like the idea that the laughter doesn't even have to be genuine to get the effect. Thanfully, I'm always finding a reason to laugh, so it's not a big problem for me. I have to focus on being mindful, forgiveness, and feeling like I'm enough.

I'm really glad I came across this today, but as my mind is open to everything, I would like to share my thoughts. I personally think laughter can be a good way to alleviate some pains and discomforts, but to an extent. We can only take and endure so much, It is very crucial that you have something to fall on or go back to. Something that you know will never fail you, but instead remind you to move forward or shed light into the situation. In my opinion, laughter in hard times, can pick you back up but will not have the full potential to take you out of that hard place you've been stuck in. Still, will go a very long way, as the smallest things in this world cause the biggest changes without us even knowing. Laughter can be great to get you through the day, but you need a foundation to fall back on. To fill you up again, and to give you the purpose that was already there, but forgotten by the obstacles we face every day.


I say there are moments to laugh, others to mourn, moments to be quiet and moments to be exalted and go with great intensity. Everything in this life has its moment, but we often forget it, and that is why only a great majority simply cries and laments what will not come back, and for many other situations.

We seldom dedicate our time to laughter, when things should be done in a balanced way in our time.

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

A smile, a chuckle, and laughter will surely brighten your day. It lightens the burden your gloomy heart bearing. It cannot make your problems disappear, but it will make you hope for the best.

Without peace within the heart and mind, our laughter will just a resounding echo of our brokenness. What we want is a laughter of confidence within ourselves not a laughter of desperation. Positive thoughts and cheerful heart go together. That makes you laugh often. As the last post said, be with people who will uplift your spirit. People who will encourage and empower you to go on.

Great words friend! Regards

@chbartist sir!
Problems do not matter to a blissful person. Depression leads to depression towards the person. In a cheerful person, the percentage of diseases is equal to zero. The problem for those who face the problems of laughing is like an easy game.

How right you are my friend! In my practical life, I have a doctor friend aged about 85+, whenever I went to him for chatting he used to say laughing jokes and started laughing and I also laughed with him it would last about ten to fifteen minutes after that we both got little bit tired then my doctor friend used to tell me that I got my health battery recharged, now I'm feeling much more better than before. It is free of cost, to lead a healthy life and be fresh as you said everyone should flow your writing, I myself realised and benefited from it, you are very very practical in life, a big hug for you. thanks.

Another great piece of writing @chbartist. I absolutely love your style. Resteemed already.

Smiling doesnt often come easy. Especially if you live surrounded by grumpy or serious people. But indeed smilig does make miracles happend. Im trying to smile and laugh more than before and I found it so much easier to sleep well, get up early and be positive.

At the same time I remember while in the old days I worked full time as a programmer. And smiling in front of laptop brought only trouble as my boss assumed that Im not focusing on work :) Just like the guy on your picture :)

Cheers buddy

Love it! I still watch cartoons with my daughter almost everyday to get some laughter or at least watch her laugh which is great to experience.

I also see comiquitas with my daughters hahaha, I thought that I was the only one who did it ...

This is one of my favorite therapies .... Laughing ... it's like taking a pill that relieves your soul ... laughing at life and in situations that seem hopeless, it helps to clear your life and your mind and then to be able to make accurate decisions. In addition, Reir makes us release serotonin, which is a hormone that fills us with joy and optimism.

Always positive!

This post has received a 20.00% upvote from @jmiller05!

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