HUGE Ego Versus Strong Ego....WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?....

in #life6 years ago

Hello Steemians, how are you?

In this post I'm going to write about something that I could see the transformation or why not say the degradation that unfortunately I see two generations ago until today are a little confused, lost, or who knows is that way and so it will be for the next but it is important to understand that we must have control within us.

But first of all I would like to thank all of you who are always participating in my posts, and making very good comments and I would like to apologize because as I have a very busy life I do not have much time to go in and read all the comments to leave my upvote, but I always go back to the previous posts to give my upvotes to everyone who used their time to write something we are developing here in this group. Vote on each other and build a Positive Mindset and strengthen all that are here with me.
Continuing ...

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Today I'm going to write about the difference between.


Of course, all of us already have or have one of the two egos described, but there is a big difference between these egos.

The HUGE ego is the worst that we can find in any person, they are the ones that are the center of the world, the world revolves around them, they are egocentric, they think they do not have to learn anything with anyone, they disdain people, they humiliate people and they always want to be the center of the universe.

I can say that I find thousands of them in the artistic world because there is a stupid competition for more importance and they do not understand that it is not with the huge ego that they will be able to be respected artistically.

Already the strong ego, this we have to have within us and cultivate because it is directly connected with the self-esteem of each one of us.

The strong ego is the one we do not let ourselves be transported out of us, the most intelligent people who possess it.

This is ego that makes you go to the front of the mirror and say to yourself: I can, I am important to me, I like myself, I am capable and all those important feelings we have.

It means competing with yourself and not with others and that is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself.

I'm still going to write some posts about internal competitions but today I would like you to reflect on that.

Remember: I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.


Follow - @chbartist.


Dear @chbartist sir!
History is a witness that the existence of anyone who has ego has merged into the soil. The way in which a negative and positive thought stream is good and evil, in the same way ego is also of two types which are reflected ( Negative) and the one who competes with himself (positive). In other words, one can say that one is related to your intellect, and by the second emotions.The other aspect of the mind can be kept in the category of ego. Protecting a strong ego makes sense. If you are emotionally connected to someone, then do not place the ego in there, otherwise everything will end.Ego builds a strong wall around us, so that we keep imprisoned. Use the ego as a shield, that is, use it to compete with yourself.
Regards ✊

Exactly @certain competition with ourselves!

@chbartist competition with ourselves and with every thing .If i have iphone 6 and afet some days i want to change iphone 6 and want to switch iphone X. So everything is competition .

This is another steeming pile of !shitpost!

I don't think as many many people who commented on this post, this is a shit...What you do is disgusting and rude not just to the author but the readers.. you just can say: I disagree with the opinions on this post or I don't like... It's not necessary to be so rude and disagreeable to express and leave clear your opinion, and that awful image!! Do you have to be so explicit?

I love reading these interesring comments

Regards, @chbartist, When man is born and attains rational consciousness, he unequivocally initiates new paths towards his individual formation as a community; the showy variety of communicational, printed, visual, and auditory elements begin the structuring of the character of the individual. The feeling comes from our feelings counting on the rational; The ability and the good or bad disposition to allow the EGOS to dominate over you, in search of your satisfaction, reaching the point that others reconsider TOXIC.

If we observe the "EGO-CENTRISMO", feeling superior and that you do not need anyone, you will not have to spend a lot of time in your life to be left alone, that is why this Etiquette is a frustrating behavior towards others and self-frustrating internally. There is a tendency to believe that if you feel the only one doing it well in the long run you will be execrated from your circle, an EGOCENTRICO does not support another EGO, WHY SHALL IT BE? ...... ..The feeling of the ego is one of the bases of having a prison mind, therefore, the prisoner pays his actions, the bigger your ego, the harder your self-pity will be at the end of your concrete reality.

NOW SAFETY IN YOURSELF, IT IS SELF-ESTIMATE (ZERO EGO), in the good sense of guaranteeing what we do in participation towards others, inner security that gives you confidence in yourself. The indescribable charm that comes from sharing and not believing the center of the universe "EGO-CENTRO" is embodied in the energy in learning wisely to live and perceive your worth without belittling others. THE INVITATION IS THAT WE BOTH THE "EGO" AND DEMOS CHANCE TO THE AUTO STIMULUS, WITH A RECIPROCAL VALUE TOWARDS OTHERS.

Thank you for your comment

I liked this article. It's a post worthy of what it earned you, like the rest of your content.

This is a great subject of conversation. Ego is something that needs to be managed. My personal opinion is that one should let one's ego for the real world, and interaction with others.

If your expression of it is positive and helps you and others grow and live in a better world, on with it.

If it's bad, it's also good. Because the backlashes of your warped ways will teach you a lot.

When one is alone, not with others physically or virtually, for me the the way to go is as ego-less as possible, even if I'm provoked by outside forces (people walking by my windows, the mind)...

All that said, if your ego is a dark, warped game-playing, even when you are doing tranquilizing things, like taking a shower, studying, taking your nourishment, or enjoying entertainment, then you're in for a fall.

I think any type of ego is ok upto the point of self esteem and self confidence and determination. Any overdose is toxic and intolerable.
When one completely dissolves ego, thats when they are enlightened and attain moksha- the salvation

In philosophy they said that there are two ego. False ego means all the definition that you given above that "I". I is everything-powerfull, beautiful, another ego is alter ego they said after knowing the reality that ego comes. That "I" is different from the previous one,this is mostly talk by all the spiritual teacher who walked on this world. In simple term one ego"I"-how I serve the world whole humanity's and other one"I" ego what I can get or exploit the world and humanity.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great! Thank you!

I imagine that any ego must be controlled, set limits! There is no one more unpleasant than a person with a lot of ego, but it can also be unpleasant a person who always looks inferior to others. That's why I think the ego should be dosed. It is as if we inflate a balloon too much or too little. If it is too little, it will not give all that it should give; but if we inflate it too much, it could explode. Balance is the word. Good night, @chbartist

Exactly Nancy. Have a good week!

Realmente me identifico con el Ego Fuerte, en el transcurso de mi vida, sobre todo en la época de estudiante desde la primaria hasta en la universidad. Nunca me intereso ocupar el primer puesto como mejor estudiante con resultados académicos....porque los mejores estudiantes la mayoría eran como el Ego Enorme....solo le interesaban ellos, muy poco compartían sus cerraban en su mundo... Pues yo nunca compartí esa forma de vivir como compañero de estudio. . Me gustaba compartir, enseñar, ayudar incluso me centraba sobre todo en las materias que mas me gustaban y eran las materias mas fuertes para muchos...como matemáticas, física, química y dibuje técnico...entre otros... para mi el mejor puesto lo sentía cuando mis compañeros sacaban sus mejores notas...por el resultado que yo les aportaba...esa era mi felicidad y mejor paga....en la época de la universidad pues mi trabajo me ayudaba económicamente para poder brindarles a mis compañeros refrigerios e incluso algunos profesores... no solo me destacaba por mis conocimientos compartidos, si no porque era bromista y me gustaba alegrar el ambiente en las clases..hace un tiempo escuchaba en una emisora a un pastor que decía que para llegar a Dios no hacia falta títulos...pues la mayoría se aferran a esos títulos al precio que sea...Creo que el mundo necesita muchos seres con el Ego Fuerte... "el mundo necesita de gente despierta ....para hacer despertar al mundo...así como una vela encendida puede encender millones de velas"

Gracias! Saludos!

I read this thrice. Lol! Thanks for sharing, it was really educating. And I also resteemed. Have a great day

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