How Gratitude Towards Existence Gives Us Peace and Moves Us Forward...

in #life6 years ago
To feel gratitude is to feel contentment. To feel contentment is to feel tranquility. A life well lived is a life where every pain is an opportunity, every occurrence is meaningful, and every step is taken with confidence and care. With this modern lifestyle, we rarely get the chance to dedicate a moment to ourselves; To really reflect on the life that we are living and the choices we make everyday in regards to the things we do and the people we interact with. So, the next time you decide to put down the preposterous requisitions of our overloaded life, take a closer look at the things you possess that have always been there, but rarely have you given them anything more than a glimpse, which is a hell of a less than what they actually deserve.

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Take a look at your hands, think of how they move about in the space around you, of the many things you are able to do with them. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, think of how you can smile, of how you are one and unique in this universe of wonders. Take a look at your parents, think of how much you like them, of how important their presence is in your life. Take a look at the person you love the most in the world, think of how much you love them, of how you would do anything and everything to make sure that they are happy in every second of their life. Take a look, take a look and consider the infinite beauty of the human soul. After that, thank god, thank every god there ever was or ever will be, nature, universe, or anything that is of any value to you, that you, of all the phenomenon in this world, had this rare chance to exist and observe all of this, to feel… to love… to live.

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People can sometimes be cruel, not to other people, but to themselves. They often fall into the trap of focusing on what they lack, rather than what they have. With the first one, you live your days with guilt, regret, and thirst. With the second, you will live with peace, comfort, and satisfaction. It is your decision; whether to see life as a curse, or a blessing, as it all goes back to what you focus on.
By reminding yourself of what life has bestowed on you every day, you will find that you are happy to be alive, and that at the end of the day, all those pains and struggles that we go through are worth the trouble.

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The next time you go out in the night, take a closer look at the sky full of stars, of how they shine in the lightness of being. Take a closer look at how the universe is always turning and expanding with all of its innumerable wonders. You are one of them. Life begins at the side of these stars, and you are a star of your own in the infinity of this creation.

"I apologize for not being able to respond to everyone who writes meaningful comments and actively participating in this community but you who are here will always have my upvote as a way of thanking and everyone knows that and I have the goal to help everyone achieve an upgrade in life of all of you every day and form a community that wants to program your Positive Mindset and help each other and so we will be a unique community where the main foundations are the respect, the generosity that can serve for many people. The world needs more and more like this, believe me. And for this I ask the effort of all of you to invite new people to this blog and this can be done through the rest and inviting friends who want to be part of this with all of us.

I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, 40, 50, 80 upvotes and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

You all know the goal! We can reach: 50+ Upvotes each others!




Dear @chbartist sir!
With your word gratitude, I remember the early days of my steemit. Not only in the world, but also on this steemit there are many kind and benevolent souls whose gratitude, I can never forget. I am still under the burden of their gratitude, who support me in my early days and 20 hardfork updates, He has given me support in times of unfavorable conditions and encouraged me. I pray to God that never proven inappropriate for such persons.regards

Very good motivational post.

It is very easy to take things for given nowadays, specially when you are in that loop of working, consuming, sleep and repeat.

That's why I like to live a bit further from the city, it really helps connecting yourself better with nature, which I love 😍.

Thanks for you kind words.

Posted using Partiko Android



It is interesting how we tend to be (if at all) grateful towards other, but ourselves.

With this modern lifestyle, we rarely get the chance to dedicate a moment to ourselves

It made me wonder...
I was told once that before complaining for not having shoes, we should think of those who have no feet. I try to keep that in mind every time I feel disgruntled and regretful.

thank god, thank every god there ever was or ever will be, nature, universe, or anything that is of any value to you, that you, of all the phenomenon in this world, had this rare chance to exist and observe all of this, to feel… to love… to live.

I like your approach. I think that the very idea of God, the monotheist/Christian/Muslim/Jewish god that has been imposed by history and politics ends up ruining the spiritual experience most people could have. The great expectations raised by holy books collide with the cruel reality of a world that seems to have been left at its own devices by whoever made it (and even that is put under scrutiny when people think about all mighty power vs. almighty disregard--free will?).

Ungratefulness, i think comes from the inability to reconcile expectations with results. Religions tend to create lots of unreasonable expectations (justice, for instance).

So, the idea of thankfulness regardless of deity or with a more open gamut of possibilities offers more possibilities for the disgruntled hearts.

I appreciate your comment. IMO, we (a.k.a. humans) have forever been trying to "figure out" earth and its position in the Universe.
The religious hierarchy be gettin' scared, as Science draws us closer to a full and irrefutable understanding. The thousands-year-old stories that explained naturally-occurring phenomena (Zeus is the god of lightning, for ex.), or the fable of the virgin birth becoming religious doctrine/dogma to influence/control/repress billions of free-thinking people, over centuries, worked for the power class. But, knowledge and AWARENESS are moving at a much higher rate in reaching the eyes & ears of the masses.
Progress is slow. I'm gratified to be a "fully recovered former catholic," and glad to be witness to the unraveling of the church's grip on the collective throat of their followers.
And the swifter humanity learns that gratitude is an inside job, not proffered by any religion, corporation or purchase of the latest tech gadget, the sooner we can begin "the big healing."
Peace out.

I couldn't agree more. Very insightful

Entender y asimilar en nuestras vidas el poder de la Gratitud es un proceso en donde debemos conectar las energías, cuales ? La de mas poder (la mente), la de los sentidos, la de el corazón y por supuesto la palabra. Aunque pareciere complejo créanme que el sentimiento de gratitud de inspira a que cada una de las cosas conecten y mas allá ver materializado en acciones lo que significa vivir en Gratitud. Es una forma de vida maravillosa, plena y que te invita a dar de la misma forma que el universo se mueve para que recibas, si recibas Amor, paz abundancia, Éxito y todo aquello que estés abierto para que llegue a tu vida. Saludos queridos Steemits, por cierto estrenandome en Steem.

Gratefulness is the barometer of the heart, it shows how you treat the weather condition of your life. Are we just thankful for the downpour of blessings, and complain when it was just a little drop? Truly contentment is gain that gives tranquility to the heart.

@chbartist thanks for such a beautiful post. I am new to steemit and I stumbled on your blog while trying to get myself acquainted with the blockchain. I will say that I am deeply inspired by this post, recently got my heartbroken, but this post has shown me that for every pain, there lies an opportunity and I should be grateful no matter what. Thanks and keep the goodwork

@soniaj! Let's move on! Walk along with all of us here and soon I have the hope that we will see 50+ upvotes between us all. Welcome to the strong community with foundations based on respect, generosity and positive Mindset programming every day!

Enthusiasm vs. bitterness
Warmth vs. coldness
Grateful vs. grumpy
NO MATTER WHAT vs. giving up.
Each day, we, the collective, plus I, the individual have both a challenge and and an opportunity. It's not always easy to live and breathe from Love; sometimes fear-based thinking seeps in and rules the day. Thus, the challenge is to overcome fear and the opportunity is be the Love. Simple, yes?
The best way to engage the world is from a place of gratitude. You may be the only person on the bus, or walking the streets, or standing in line at the grocer who is in gratitude. And probably no one will notice. But, guess what? Those who are also in gratitude will notice; eye contact will inform you of a new compatriot! A fleeting moment, most likely, but do this often enough, and a trend may develop!

That's what we're doing here. building a strong, positive and generous community and the basis of all this is called respect. Welcome

i recently felt that my life had no meaning and I doubted about my existence, now i feel ashamed of not being grateful for everything i have everyday and for wasting so much time focusing on what i lack off instead of what i am blessed to have. Thank you again for helping people changing to a positive mindset.

much love <3

@justlove, I hope that God gives you peace and you can feel his love, in your soul and heart. God bless you.

thank you so much! sending love to you <3

Thank you for your kind words!

Friend, really has been beautiful and inspiring today's publication ... very few people publish about gratitude ... and it is as you say ... many focus on what they lack, without paying attention to what they have .. and to thank God for all that ... The wisest thing a person can do in life is to give thanks to God for all that he has given him, and above all for life ... for allowing us to be here with our beings Dear ones and be able to share with them every second of our lives. A grateful person is a person with a big heart

God bless you greatly @chbartist

Thank you @blessed-girl for always comment with kind words!

When you are upset with the things happening in life and when you feel you are depressed, just think about those people who have greater sufferings than you, think about those who are in poverty, think about those who are sick and in death bed, think about those who are left as orphans...When you compare your life with theirs, you would automatically wish to live a happier and more meaningful contented life and you would definitely Thank God for that state of your life!

Yes, great words friend!

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