Afraid to fail...
In order to grow, to learn we must all be OK with the notion of making mistakes. Understanding that there is no way we are always going to be right, is the healthiest way we can release ourselves from emotions of guilt and notions of personal doubt.
I'm willing to bet that there is absolutely no one in the world who has achieved great things, memorable things, that has not made painful mistakes. I'm even willing to say, the greater the achievement, the greater where the collection of failures leading to the moment of triumph.

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Tomas Watson, founder of IMB, believed that "In order to succeed you need to double your failure rate"
What a comical sounding bit of wisdom. If you read it lightly, you would brush it off as someone who simply was attempting to make his partners laugh, but the truth is he was probably right. In the attempt of achieving your goals, you must double, triple, quadruple your attempts to achieve them.
I always tell the people who I've mentored that most of the time, we don't achieve things because we don't even try. If you don't ask, if you don't try, if you don't put desires into action, you are guaranteeing failure. That sounds negative I will admit, but it's also an observation of facts.
Being Ok with failing takes practice, it really does. You have to know that no matter the outcome, you will find a way as you always have to get up, dust off your pants, and give it another go.
Nobody paints a master piece on their fist canvas...
There I read, for a reason pencils have erasers, you definitely learn from the mistakes you make, so the fear of failure can become a fear of success, the best thing is always to try, with the best energy and high expectations, in some way or another you will fail, but the triumph will be yours!
really what you say. success is not achieved easily. many obstacles to be faced to get there. even we have to go through a very heavy obstacle and membuag we feel like will surrender. but believe me a business that really will not betray the results we will get.
Again you strike at the heart of human life with a soft feather of truth, @chbartist! :-)
Very correct. I learnt this lesson the hard way last year. As the saying goes "if you're not failing, you're not living". My bad financial decisions taught very precious lessons in decision making and investments
I've heard that one before... The other thing to remember my friend, its never too late to start either.
Fully agree with you @chbartist. My point of view of this post is:
Failure, a big obnoxious thing, could actually be used as a stepping stone to success
Nobody wants to fail to be realistic but we need to realize that the best artist today was once an amateur. Here's where perseverance and persistence comes in.
Nice post @chbartist. You're always on point as usual
Exactly! cheers @etoo
Take care!
nice article, all of our life is a competition
we usually do learn not from our successes, but from mistakes.
So, the more mistakes, the more we learn.
Sunny greetings from Austria
@chbartist some time it seems very difficult to work with life it is full of challenges and pains But with motivation a person can convert all pain and stress to happiness this is an achivement by person who work hard .Thanks for sharing experiance
Failure leads to success because the more you fail, the more you got chances to learn throw experiences and the more you do this, there would be greater chances of making yourself perfect...
Just heard that doing things the right way is hard work, but to fail in the right way is the hardest thing you ever can learn.
Failure is a needed thing in our lives, so we can recover and improve!