A Step Back or Two...

in #life6 years ago

It's wise to recognize when it's the right time to take a step back. It’s almost never easy to do, we tend to think of our life and I sure have of mine, as a constant movement forward. This has meant to me in the past, that no matter how hard things got, taking a break was not an option.


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This could sound like a contradiction, but of course it’s not meant to be one in the slightest. Because there are plenty of times were I’ve been trying to tackle a challenge, to overcome a difficult project or problem, not realizing I’ve been wasting time.

It was Albert Einstein who defined insanity perfectly all those years ago:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

I constantly revise my path thinking of these wise words. Is there something I need to change? Am I really doing something for my ego, or because it actually has value? These are difficult questions, no need to deny it, but they are necessary for our personal growth.

Imagine if you knew today that there was a better way to fix your current problems. Imagine that you’ve been struggling with a job, with a relationship, or simply with your finances, but you’ve refused to take a hard look into what you have been doing, and what you haven’t, almost to the point where you seem to be falling in the definition of insanity.

If that reflection was staring back at you in the mirror, Would you change? Would you try? Or are you not willing to even consider the possibility that you may be wrong. If that is the case, as it has happened with me, then I ask, How long until you can’t take it anymore?

The questions just get more uncomfortable as they get more powerful. Because no doubt, none of us like to accept that we are wrong and we need to change. It hurts our ego, it hurts our sense of self love. But is it really true? Is accepting a mistake the same as loving ourselves less?

I’m talking about this because everyone has their ups and downs, because I too have been at the top at some point in time, only to feel what it means to come crashing down later. I’m not talking exclusively about money, but other aspects of life that are just as valuable, just as important.

Sometimes we do have to take a step back, or two, but that is only because we need to gain perspective to really know how to move forward.

Regards - follow @chbartist


Better to sit first and do the planning before doing anything. Analyze and reflect first if you will succeed if you will do or follow the plan to a tee. Consider all things that will affect your journey to success.

Agree @elizahfhaye. You are very welcome!

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@elizahfhaye Planning is more important for every thing.

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Life is a perceptual struggle. It is not always the outside factors that pester us, our inner factors matters a lot for us. We like to blame someone or something for our deeds but we seldom realize that our thoughts and actions were responsible for our present condition. This thing happens because life has no set pattern.
One thing can be good or bad for us depending on the situation and the circumstances. Sometimes, looking inward can make one a better person but it may also be that it may render him devoid of self-respect and confidence. There is no hard and fast rule of living in this world. We cannot make any universal rule which may be applied to everyone. Ego is the thing which gives us the sense of our existence. It is not a bad thing at all but when it becomes arrogance, it gives birth to problems. So, it must not be allow crossing its limit.
You are a very wise and thoughtful person dear. If you are facing any problem, you can come out of it using your skills and mind.
Have a great time ahead.

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Bro..i do not beg only i request if any body like my post . And i am not force to anybody friend


I agree with you. Thanks for reminding; I need to do that. As you stated "Sometimes we do have to take a step back, or two, but that is only because we need to gain perspective to really know how to move forward". As always, I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks!

I believe accepting the mistakes and then learning from them is the key to move forward.

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beautiful !

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Nice view @chbartist. In order for accepting change one should be humble and broadminded too.They must be able to take critisism positively.They should not so proud or arrogant. I have heard an old story maybe you would have also. There was a giant tree and a small shrub nearby. When a heavy cyclone came the tree which held high without being flexible is uprooted but the shrub bowed its head to the wind and escaped.And in my experience I feel that more older you are youwill not be able to accept change. Thats why a kid can change his habits but not an old one. Because we are all proud and as you rightly said we think that we can never be wrong. God bless.

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"Sometimes we do have to take a step back, or two, but that is only because we need to gain perspective to really know how to move forward". I totally agree. Thank you for sharing. ^__^

Thank you @ariansilverwheel - You are very welcome - Success - Follow - @chbartist

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Take step back inhale, and laugh. remember who you are and why you are here. you are never giving anything in this world that you can't handle. be strong, be flexible, love your self and love others . just always keep moving forward. the minute you think of giving up, think of reason why you held on so long.

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It is better to be late than be delayed. Sometimes, a step back can solve all problems. Something's might not be right in the present step you are taking but if you gave a step back can solve the insolvable.

We think great and big neverminding the consequence and only focusing on the sweetness. When your thought is always great, then you need to have a step back to readjust your initial ways of life.

Thanks so much @chbartist for the great and inspirational post.

Thank you for read @cool08 - Success - follow@chbartist

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