You really do get paid what you're worth....eventually.

in #life7 years ago

Listening to the radio last night (Dave Ramsey) and he said that you really do get paid what you are worth. He then went on to tell a story of when he was younger, he went to a stake house with his family and the waitress was incredible. His dad seeing her qualities convinced her to come be part of his real estate team. She then become a millionaire in the 70's.

To back track a little, he said you always get what you build up, few things are really by chance. Was this woman making big money waiting tables? Of course not, but if you really have value, skills and drive, then if you're employer can't or won't pay you what you are worth, some one soon will.

That part really hit me because that is exactly what happened to me. I was recently married and jobless (from moving) and found a job at one call center and hated it. After two and a half weeks I found another job at another call center but this one much more laid back and at a significantly smaller company.

It was here that opportunity took root and with a great group of people, I was able to develop real skills. Going from taking calls to supervisor, I was then starting to head up the technology issues that clients called in to report and what we found ourselves. Soon an IT position opened up, I applied, heard that I was selected to then have the rug pulled out form under me.

Fine I continued to practice my skills and get better at what I did. Another position came along for exactly what I was doing already. Did I get it? Nope, this time I was starting to get bitter. But eventually I was simply transferred as one of my side jobs was turning into a full time job. However it wasn't the wages I was hoping for or even previously offered.

Soon though, with signs that the company I was working for having trouble and me thinking "time to have a back up plan" that an opportunity presented itself and just like with the waitress, I was offered something I couldn't believe and it has been great!

How does this apply to Steemit? Well we are in control of this platform and how things work and get paid out. If you really put effort into it, hard work and sweat equity does and will pay off, maybe not the way you think, but life is funny that way. So don't give up, keep growing and learning the right things, good things will come ;) Steem on!


I believe nobody shouldn't let another human being tell them how much they value, but you should be your own boss

Agreed, I knew I was worth more than what they were paying me, which as my wife often tells me now a days was finally manifested in the job I have now and finding other ways to make money.

I would qualify that a bit: you really get paid what you are worth TO OTHER PEOPLE. This is not only in money but in other ways as well. By doing good to others, with no expectation of repayment, we gather a purse that can never be filled.

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide yourselves with purses that will not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. Luke 12:33

If I spend an hour of my time to write a Steemit article and a few dozen people read it, only a few upvote and it earns $0.02, it's pretty much given away at no cost. Rejoice! Give and it shall be given to you. If we are rewarded .1% of the good that we do, the balance is stored in Heaven! Rejoice!

Oh and upvotes cost us almost NOTHING! Something as valuable as an upvote costs us nothing but a few seconds of our time.

Freely you have received; freely give Matthew 10:8

That's my $0.02 @ironshield

Can't argue with that, thanks for the comment and love the ending! PS- love the scripture verse and followed.

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