Not the intention of ignoring
That's not what I mean
Give you false hope
I can not bear to look at you
The sad without the real know
I just want to succeed first
Before I make love with you
Actually I love you too
More than you love me
I just want you to come with me
Not to my sorrow
You can not wait until I'm on purpose
Until you're tempted others
Pupus had my wish
To have you to the end of my life
Right now I can only be pensive
Regrets what has happened
Until I do not know what to do
But with all this
I found a new hobby
Daydreaming ... .Yeah really daydreaming
No day without daydreaming
Your face is always adorned in the shadows of the eye
Thinking about how my reapples came back
Although that is impossible
I can only beg for the One
May you be happy with him
Let me here
Faithful waiting for you back
Although like waiting for the moon and the sun is side by side