characteristic when the application takes place in aceh

in #life7 years ago

delivery of the charisma or application characteristic of aceh region. must carry the chromatic or indonesian language carrying betel. it is our custom in aceh when the application is mandatory carrying sirih.yang in print with banana stems and then wrapped in betel and in garnished with flowers outside. there is the inside contents of the pinang and the inside of the package contained money. only money that is inserted into not much just for the condition aja. this tradition is hereditary in do in aceh. maybe in other areas there is also just they do not wear betel leaves can be innate normally.
hantaran tunagan atau lamaran ciri khas daerah aceh. harus membawa ranup atau bahasa indonesianya membawa sirih. itu adat kami di aceh saat lamaran wajib membawa hantaran sirih.yang di cetak dengan batang pisang lalu di bungkus dengan sirih dan di hiasi dengan bunga di luarnya. terdapat isi dalamnya yaitu pinang dan adapula bungkusan dalamnya berisi uang.cuma uang yang di masukkan ke dalam tidak banyak hanya untuk syarat aja. tradisi ini turun temurun di lakukan di aceh. mungkin di daerah lain ada juga cuma mereka tidak memakai daun sirih bisa jadi bawaan biasa saja.
as for the other requirements when the application. namely one pair of pairs along with sandals and underwear and also a typical cakes of Aceh at the time of application. who came at the time of residence of the family and the characters there to deliver the application. a male candidate should not come during the application process. he can only show the house of a female candidate and his address. a male candidate should not enter the prospective woman's house during the application process is running. then that's where meet the family of female candidate and family of the male candidate. with the opening of the speaker that the character exists from the second bride when the application arrives. and who is obliged to put the ring on the prospective woman is the mother of a male candidate or an inbreeding family. at the time of application occurs where it is set everything from when to marriage and when to start wedding reception event. thank you we are happy to share our local story
adapun persyaratan yang lain saat lamaran. yaitu baju satu pasang beserta sendal dan pakaian dalam dan juga kue khas daerah aceh pada saat lamaran. yang datang pada saat lamaran yaitu keluarga beserta tokoh ada untuk mengantarkan lamaran tersebut. calon pria tidak boleh datang saat proses lamaran tersebut. dia cuma boleh menunjukkan rumah calon wanita dan alamatnya. calon pria tidak boleh memasuki rumah calon wanita selama proses lamaran tersebut berjalan. lalu di situlah ketemu keluarga calon perempuan dan keluarga calon laki-laki tersebut. dengan pembukaan pembicara yaitu tokoh ada dari kedua mempelai saat lamaran tiba. dan yang wajib memakaikan cincin pada calon wanita yaitu ibu calon laki-laki atau keluarga yang sedarah. pada saat lamaran terjadi di situlah di tetapkan semuanya mulai kapan nikah dan kapan mulai acara resepsi pernikahan. terima kasih kami senang membagi cerita daerah kami

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