RE: A Father's Proudest Moments, The Making Of A Fighter
@chireerocks when we as people have the ability to see through the eyes of others and the walks other are forced to follow we as a people become that much better. I've been poor, I've been slightly wealthy, i have been homeless, I've been a man with an amazing home, I've been hungry, i have been full, i was a punkass thug at one point ive been someone to stand up for those thugs would prey on. Regardless I've been through several walks in life and it gave me an understanding that most arent forced to have.. i personally am thankful for these experiences though i dont wish it on anyone but at the end of the day it majes me the type if man that doesnt see a person for their skin color, their wealth, their race, creed any of it.. i see people for what they are and thats people. So the donation is something i typically do on a regular basis i dont typically announce it is all. I hope all is going well for you today.
A true giver never announce, and your life made you an true giver, life wrote your journey with ups and downs, but great human being is one who gone through so much but still they are able to stand with all these experiences and have the guts to give others hope and silently saying those hopeless people as, don't worry still humanity is alive, great respect for you brother. Stay blessed.