Day 1 Tan Tara Resort

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Steemit, this is Day 1 of The Tan Tara Resort an adventure to say the least.


Sorry I'm certainly no calvin Klein model when I wake up.


Yeah thats right I woke up this morning after realizing the initial post did actually get posted and was like fuggg.. what time is it and thats when I heard some geese outside bitching and I just had a feeling Logan was introducing himself.


As some of you other parents and care takers already know its completely normally to repeat yourself at least 4, 5 times whenever telling your child to do something that they already know they arent suppose to be doing.


I'm on a boat..

I promise you the entire rafting experience ended up paying off however Brooke was ner ous and scared through the midt part of it but she at the end was actually the bravest.

Rachel oldest daughter a.k.a @firefoxkitten
Brooke my 2nd oldest a.k.a @paperbackbook
20180526_141150.jpg Last but not least Logan who looks as though he's driving with his eyes closed.

Yeah.. thats right I went a head and handed over 390.00 for a boat a fast one.. "Shit got real..." it was fun all of them took turns driving. At first I'll be honest I was scared i had never driven a boat and the last thing I ever wanted to happen was for my kids to get hurt due to my negligence but after adapting and overcoming it all worked out. Word of advice to other men and women in the parenting realm, fear is normal remember that its okay to have it and its total okay to be scared even as an adult but learn to embrace it and then over come it even if its little by little.

State of the art.. rrriiiigghhhhttt...

Next post to come will be the end of Day 1. Where we go to the resort arcade and what they claim is some of the lastest in State of The Art Technology..




Disclaimer the image I used in the header of my post can be found on


So jealous , the rafting especially looks like so much fun !! How’s the weather ? Logan looks like he’s grown up now <3

@journeyoflife I've had to jump his ass a few times sometimes hes a little to grown up

Give him lots of love

Wow @carterx7 enjoying summer vacations can't be more pleasant than this. My love to the cute kid.

Wow, in first video we can see that little kids are teasing those creatures and in return those creatures complaining them do not to do that ha ha, at least for me it's reflecting like that. And i am genuinely speaking and in my opinion you stayed at great place surrounded with pure greenery, water pond and creatures to produce the add on value and i specially like the sound which is produced by these creatures and after watching this video this place is appealing me to explore.

In second video we can see that you'll are enjoying in water and specially reflecting as kids have an great time, i personally feel that kids always showcase excitement towards the water sport or water enjoyment because i was also got every time excited in my childhood. So, thanks for sharing these pictures and videos with us and i hope and wish that you'll will get more amazing opportunities to enjoy. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

haha, calvin klein model:))

I must say even Calvin Klein models are NOT Calvin Klein models in the morning;)))))

I'm brave to show my no makeup photo in the last photo too, so I'm with you-))

Logan is my star;))
so cute boy!

Your pretty i see your picture. Logsn almost got his ass attacked by an angry group of geese it was definitely funny and something ill never let him forget. I hope your day is going well @taliakerch

oh I'm afraid of geese-))
they really can bite painfully-)
actually i don't like anybody who can bite me))

Wow they are having a great time the place is wonderful, sun and that view is a great combination for you as a family to share and enjoy
Logan is very smart you look great with your children
I welcome you from Venezuela

I'm actually planning for a visit to Venezuela next month. Fo you all have the same type of resorts and what not?

You are welcome to my country although there is a lot of insecurity there are currently sites that can still be visited

It must be a great experience to ride a boat seeing a kid driving it. One day he will have his own yacht , who knows?

The yachts I've seen here are amazing I'm hoping your right

you are looking so cool.

Logan's riding the boat like a bus

Well, from over here it looks like total fun. The creatures, water and then boat riding... What else can I say?

Do enjoy your wonderful selves


Es emocionante disfrutar de tan lindo paseo en bote por ese paraiso natural @carterx7

বাহ, প্রথম ভিডিওতে আমরা দেখতে পারি যে ছোট ছেলেমেয়েদের ঐ প্রাণীদের টিজিং করা হচ্ছে এবং ফেরত পাঠানো প্রাণীগুলি তাদের অভিযোগ করছে যে এটি করতে হবে না, অন্তত আমার পক্ষে এটি মত প্রতিফলিত হয়। এবং আমি প্রকৃতপক্ষে বলছি এবং আমার মতে আপনি বিশুদ্ধ হরিত্রি, জল পুকুরে এবং প্রাণীর সাথে ঘুরিয়ে ঘুরে বেড়াতে গেছেন এড অন মান এবং আমি বিশেষভাবে শব্দটি এই প্রাণীর দ্বারা উত্পন্ন হয় এবং এই ভিডিওটি দেখার পর এই জায়গাটি আকর্ষণীয় হয়ে উঠেছে আমাকে এক্সপ্লোর করতে

দ্বিতীয় ভিডিওতে আমরা দেখতে পারি যে আপনি পানিতে উপভোগ করছেন এবং বাচ্চাদের একটি চমৎকার সময় হিসাবে বিশেষভাবে প্রতিফলিত হচ্ছেন, ব্যক্তিগতভাবে আমি মনে করি যে শিশুদের সবসময় জল খেলা বা পানির উপভোগের প্রতি উত্তেজনার বীজ বয়েছে কারণ আমি আমার শৈশবে সবসময়ই উত্তেজিত ছিলাম । সুতরাং, আমাদের সাথে এই ছবি এবং ভিডিও ভাগ করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ এবং আমি আশা করি এবং আপনি আরও আশ্চর্যজনক সুযোগ ভোগ করতে হবে ইচ্ছুক চাই আপনি একটি মহান দিন চান। সুখে থাক.

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