Transforming Your Anger Into Motivation

in #life8 years ago

Transforming Your Anger Into Motivation

I am admittedly human, which means I have flaws, one of them being occasional anger. Growing up I would let other kids get to me which often lead to fist fights and getting into trouble. In fact I used to have this things where every time I got really angry or frustrated I would bite down on my left hand so I didn’t do anything stupid like punch them. This move actually left me with a scar on my left hand for life. Eventually I learned the best response to someone calling you something offensive like “faggot” or “retard”, was to just laugh it off and pretend it didn’t not get to you. Once bullies don’t get the negative response they feed off of, they mostly will leave you online.

Once I went into high school I had grown considerably and since I was 6’4” I never really had a problem with bullies after that point because bullies are cowards so they go for the weakest targets. However there were still many situations that made me frustrated and angry and I would talk back and get in trouble for something that I thought was wrong. Sometimes looking back I was in the right, but other times I look back and think now that my anger lead me to make decisions that probably made me come off as a complete asshole. For example if a girl I had a crush on didn’t find me attractive and then started hooking up with my friend, or I completely failed a test that I tried to study very hard for, I still found myself getting extremely angry. Although I found myself getting very depressed for a bit, It took me until my sophomore year of highschool to figure out something that worked for me, which was to turn my anger into motivation.

I have always struggled with motivation to go to the gym, study, or better myself, but with a technique I used I was able to find that hidden motivation within me. Instead of going home after school to sulk and comfort eat, I would go to the gym and think about everything that made me angry. I focused on one thing really intensely and I would push the anger out with action. I would picture something like one of my friends taking off my crush’s dress and use that anger to motivate me to get bigger muscles and become more attractive to other girls. This sounds stupid I know, but when I harnessed my anger I was able to literally lift 5-10 pounds more and for a longer period of time. I found my workouts improved and so did my results. Like adrenaline, when you feel anger surging through your body, you get a burst of energy.

The best is eventually I started to have less anger in general and I thought about how petty my problems were. The anger for me would dissipate while working out and I started to feel less depressed and better about myself. I wasn’t really on top of the world but it proved effective for controlling my emotions. You find that the last thing you want after a hard workout is to be angry, your mind is so tired it doesn’t have room for it. Once you get into the routine of things you don’t even need anger anymore to help you get through workouts, it just becomes part of your life. I spent a lot of time blaming myself and others, but once I started to take action I felt better, like there was a possibility of an ultimate endgame for me. After you meet the goals you set out towards early on, you look back and see that your emotions and day to day control of them has gotten better over time. This was what I found in my case anyway.

I thought that sharing this info might be helpful to some people out there, especially people who are trying to control some anger in their lives or struggle with motivation. Harnessing your anger can put you down a terrible path or a great one depending on how you use it. This was how I was able to turn my anger into motivation, but everyone is different so I cant guarantee it will work for you. If you have your own techniques or things you do to control your emotions or stop anger please let me know in the comments, I would love to hear them.


I really love this post. Partially because I feel it is very practical and the implications are profound.
The other reason is because I too had major anger issues as a young teenager and suffered a lot because of it. I spent many years angry and depressed about life as a whole because it festered inside me.
What's even cooler is that when I was 17, after years of being wimpy and depressed I got into body building and had one of the most transformative periods of my life!
ALL of my life improved, not just my phisique but my mind and soul as well.
Ultimately I feel the underlining power is conscious responsibility. I know for my self it really was the conscious choice to change and to be productive with my problems rather than be irresponsible and let them fester while being a wimp, that really led to the transformation of a much better life!
Thanks for sharing. I will be writing about this too one day!

Thanks for the story and your own experience! I unfortunately had to take close to a year and a half from weightlifting because I had heart surgery, but I am getting back into it now and although my body hasnt totally adapted to the everyday lifting habit yet im sure it will in a few weeks. Let me know if you write more in depth about it!

Oh wow, that's a MAJOR setback indeed.
Great to see you are not defeated!
Health is one of my specialties. I support you in the path to THRIVAL!
I hope to start writing about health extensively soon!
Best regards~*~

Its a good thing that you have mastered the art of managing your anger. The same here, I used to have a big issue with my anger, the problem is not to anybody else but to my kids. Everytime they do something like opposing my command or the rules in the house, I easily angry. My wife is always their to calm me out.

How I control is just a matter of thinking what I really wanted with my kids? Why am I angry for? Although, I have not fully controlled my anger but at least I am improving. Everytime my kids opposed few rules, instead of getting angry at high level, I just thought of the goals that I wanted for them to become and that slowly turn down my anger.

My workplace is a different story, there are really occasions that made me angry but I cant afford to show it directly to the person and that's my problem now. How am i to show them that I'm angry? I don't want anybody at the office to have a bad impression at me.

Im sure you already know this, but controlling your anger around your children is one of the most important emotions to control. My father used to get very angry and upset at us and my issues most likely stemmed someway from that. You have a reason to try and control your emotions though because you will be affecting the lives of other people you want to grow up happy and healthy. I cant say I know how to solve your problem because I don't, but I know anger never got to me as a child, it would always just make me angry, but when my parents told me they were genuinely disappointed in me, thats when I corrected my actions.

We have also this problem with kids nowadays, they are different compared to the children from those days. Kids now are a bit hard to manage due to the current state of living. But as always, we wanted them to grow healthy and being a good person.

A deeply powerful posting for us all. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Initially, anger used as self-motivation will work, but long-term it's a disaster.

For me it helped the anger fade away and taught me how to control my feelings. I agree long term though if you still anger you should search for additional ways to help control it.

I am so glad to read that you've turned your anger into something good. More people need good examples like you.
If I'm beginning to get angry, I clean my house....and I hate cleaning my house. LOL With so much pent-up energy, if I didn't do something like that, I might be throwing stuff.
I also like long walks and skipping stones across the lake. There you go. Throwing stuff!

Skipping stones sounds like it could calm me down too. I know people who like to break things or chop firewood to cool down (some of my friends live in upstate NY and they have forest all around them). All are good solutions if they work!

I used to live in Orange Co., NY, about 20 minutes from West Point! I also lived a year upstate near Great Sacandaga. That's the winter when I told my husband I didn't want to be cold anymore. And here we are baking in Florida now. LOL

Very insightful! Tweeted and Reblogged!

I appreciate it!

I also have problems, but with anxiety, I'm trying to do a to-do list and listen to music, I think I'm improving.
Great article

Very good article, thanks for your post !

Interesting post!

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