Day 2432 | Low-Calorie Sunday

I'm quite easily able to keep up my healthy eating streak with as the only real rule not to consume any vegetable oils (and processed sugar, and also no meat) which cuts out pretty much all the just and supermarket foods forcing me to make fresh meals with real food that don't have 20+ ingredients in them. So far I'm doing well on this and Sunday was a day where I really limited my calories as I still had too big portions so far this year. I also kickstarted my hot yoga classes again and am taking my supplements which in just a couple week all made a world of difference. I set a weight goal of reaching below 70kg after starting out at 74kg which I almost reached so with 10+ days left to go in January I will be aiming to reach somewhere in the 68 kg which would be awesome.
I stayed up quite late watching some tv after the football was over but I also did all my dishes before going to bed having a great night sleep even though I did dream that I was breaking my no vegetable oils rule so it certainly is something that keeps me busy.
In February I aim to keep it up and also add daily weight exercises
Food Diary I basically just ate the last portion of my green vegetable lentil pasta. Keeping portions for the days after is something that I'm rarely able to do. It's the same when I buy some chocolate as it's usually gone the same day even if I planned to just eat 1 piece a day. I also ate an apple and that was about it. I did drink plenty of water and took my supplements.
Day | Food |
Wednesday | Chick Peas in Tomato Sauce / Banana / Carrots / 1.5L Water |
Thursday | Oatmeal / Banana / 7 Clemintines / Mais Crackers & Peanut Butter |
Friday | Celeriac/7 Clementines / Peanut Butter |
Saturday | Smoothie / Pea Pasta / Mais Cracker with Peanut Butter |
Sunday | Pizza Margaritha / 6 Clementines |
Monday | Smoothie/ Pea Pasta / 6 Clementines |
Tuesday | Vegetable Minestrone Soup |
Wednesday | Rice Crackers & Peanut Butter (x7) / 2 Bowls of Minestrone Soup / 3 Clementines |
Thursday | Ravioli Tomato Sauce / Rice Crackers/ Peanut Butter / Soup / 4 Clementines |
Friday | 2 Bowls Soup / Peanut Butter / 7 Clemintines |
Saturday | Rice with Curry Sauce and Peaches / Dark Chocolate |
Sunday | Baked Rice/Nutritional Yeast/Dark Chocolat |
Monday | Smoothie / Chick Peas / 7 Clemintines |
Tuesday | Banana / Nut Bars / Onion Soup / Hot Lightning |
Wednesday | Nut Bars x5 / Onion Soup / Rice Wafles & Almond Nut Butter |
Thursday | Nut Bars x2 / Rice Wafles & Almond Nut Butter / Rice & Curry / 2 Apples |
Friday | Rice Wafles & Almond Nut Butter / Green Veggie Lentil Pasta / 1 Apple |
Saturday | Smoothie / Lentil green veggies Pasta / 1 Apple |
Sunday | Lentil green veggies Pasta / 1 Apple |
New Day Goals: I plan to do all my bookkeeping on Monday, continue to eat healthy and join a hot yoga class.
Day | Weight | Bed Time | Awake | Food | Other | Day Score |
31 Decemner | 74.0 kg | - | - | - | - | - |
01 January | 72.6 kg | 01:40 | 09:00 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
02 January | 72.4 kg | 01:30 | 10:00 | 7.35€ | 44.98€ | 6 |
03 January | 72.0 kg | 01:20 | 10:00 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
04 January | 71.9 kg | 01:00 | 12:00 | 7.72€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
05 January | 72.3 kg | 01:00 | 09:30 | 6.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
06 January | 71.7 kg | 00:30 | 09:20 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
07 January | 71.8 kg | 00:50 | 10:20 | 0.00€ | 8.00€ | 8 |
08 January | 71.7 kg | 00:40 | 09:40 | 0.00€ | 9.20€ | 7 |
09 January | 71.6 kg | 01:40 | 10:20 | 7.02€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
10 January | 71.3 kg | 01:40 | 10:00 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
11 January | 71.5 kg | 01:50 | 10:10 | 10.14€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
12 January | 70.9 kg | 02:40 | 10:20 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
13 January | 71.0 kg | 00:00 | 08:40 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
14 January | 71.6 kg | 01:20 | 09:40 | 0.00€ | 69.51€ | 8 |
15 January | 71.4 kg | 01:00 | 09:20 | 6.62€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
16 January | 71.3 kg | 01:00 | 08:40 | 5.56€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
17 January | 71.5 kg | 00:30 | 09:30 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
18 January | 71.0 kg | 01:40 | 09:10 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 8 |
19 January | 70.3 kg | 01:30 | 10:25 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 7 |