One of the northeastern Chinese cuisines on the eve of lunar new year – Guo bao rou 东北年夜菜之一 锅包肉

in #life7 years ago


Tomorrow will be the eve of lunar new year , every family are busy welcoming the new year’s coming . Spring festival is the time for the whole family to get together . It is also the time for us to express your love to your family members . So it’s a good time for us to enjoy the happiness with our parents , brothers or sisters .

Today I will share a dish with you , that is the northeastern Chinese cuisine – Guo Bao rou . It's a special dish in the northeast, and we all like to eat it.

Ingredients :

Pork rib
Onion ginger
Blueberry jam
five-spice powder
soy sauce
Cooking wine


Slice pork, add five spice powder, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar, onion ginger marinated for 10 minutes.



腌制 3.jpg

Make water starch. Put a little flour in the bowl, then add corn flour or potato starch, water, salt, water paste, half a teaspoon of oil, in this way , the meat can be crisp.


Put oil in the pot then heat , when the oil temperature is about 70 or 80 degrees, put in the wrapped meat with starch, when the meat became crisp then take them out on the plate.



Then another pot, put a little water, modulate the blueberry sauce and pour it on the fried meat .. you see , it's really good, right? It' tastes sour and sweet, very delicious.


I also made another one , that is you can eat it with the garlic . it’s also ok .


Note :
The difficulty of making this dish is to control the oil temperature and pay attention to oil when frying. If it is a little hard, the meat is good. If it is overdone, then it will not be crisp .

Blueberry sauce can be replaced with red ketchup. Today, because there is no ketchup in the fridge, it is replaced with blueberry sauce, the color is deep, but it is delicious.

In short, the dish is quite simple, but to those people who loves to eat sweet and sour , and those who loves to eat the meat, you can have a try , I am sure you won’t be disappointed.

Thank you for your reading and happy spring festival !

明天就是年三十了, 除夕夜。在这春节到来之际, 家家户户都在忙碌着迎接春节的到来,我在这里先给各位亲爱的朋友们提前拜个年,问候大家,祝大家新的一年财源滚滚,好运常相伴!

说到过年,在三十这天,在我们东北肯定10个盘子8个碗的,什么小鸡顿蘑菇,酸菜血肠,虾呀, 鱼啊,猪蹄子, 鸡爪子,红烧肉, 扣肉,炒年糕,小葱豆腐,拔丝地瓜,等等, 我恐怕是说也说不完,真是好多好吃的,大家都在最后这一天,一家团聚,欢乐满堂,不管你在天涯海角,都会想着回家吃个团圆饭,图的就是跟父母,兄弟姐妹在一块儿,享受着家人聚会的快乐。


猪 脉脊肉






然后再另一个锅中,调制蓝莓酱,放少许水,淀粉,味极鲜酱油,醋 加蓝莓酱,调制成蓝莓汁,最后浇在炸好的肉上面。瞧, 还是不错的吧? 酸酸甜甜,味道好极了。

如果不用蓝莓汁,还可以蘸蒜汁,蒜切碎,然后放醋,糖,味极鲜酱油,这样吃比较爽口,不腻人,也可以将蒜汁直接浇到肉上面,但时间长了, 怕影响口感。

做这个菜的难度,就是控制好油温,炸的时候看火候, 如果有点硬了, 肉就是好了,不能过火,炸大了,就不酥脆了。

蓝莓酱可以换成红色的番茄酱,今天因为家里没有番茄酱,临时用蓝莓酱代替, 颜色深了些,但是也很好吃。

总之,这道东北锅包肉,做法还是比较简单的,喜欢吃酸甜口的, 又喜欢吃肉的朋友,可以尝试着做做哦, 还是相当好吃的!

My recent post here
Healthy beautifying soup 健身养颜汤
Sweet and round dumplings 甜甜圆圆的汤圆
Corn with bean nutritional cake玉米豆面营养饼
The lunar year’s dumplings with Laba’s garlic! 小年的饺子,腊八的蒜!

Welcome to follow, upvote and resteem@bxt


I love the recipe and you explain it very well I have had the pleasure of tasting Chinese and Japanese food and not of a restaurant but of a family and it is really very divine I wish you the best for the new lunar year!

thank you and happy the new lunar year.

i love it so much.
it's delicious food.
i can be alive only with it.. i don't need anything else😍😍
but i can't made my house. next time i make it in my house by follow your step. thanks for sharing.

thanks for your comment , good luck .

@bxt ... Wow looks yammy and mouth watering... Delicious food with amazing recipe..sure ll make it and all the very best for luner new year..The biggest chinese festival.

thank you .

新年快乐!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 这厢有礼了。倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。


哈哈, 你这是对我的最好的奖励呀。

I'll try this recipe... hope I can do as crispy as this ...

I haven't tried blueberry sauce... but since it is in your recipe I will try it too...


yeah, you can have a try , and i am sure you will do it better than me . come on .

I just love cooking.. But really got my attention when there's new recipe to try...

锅包肉这个自己做实在是需要力气~ 要鼓励一下~

是啊, 控制不了火候就会不酥脆。还好,没让自己失望,哈哈。

新年快乐 哈


是吗? 还没有吃过韩国的锅包肉呀,不过这可是我们东北的特色菜。

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