Health begins with a bowl of grain sesame paste ! 健康从五谷芝麻糊开始!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Recently my mother-in law has a toothache, there might be inflammation.She can’t eat anthing especially she can't chew anything, only can drink some porridge. We felt very sorry when we saw her become thinner and thinner . It suddenly occurred to me that there was a grain mill not far from my house. I have been there before and there are many kinds of cereals. Special ground powder, nutritious and healthy, very suitable for my mother-in-law to eat.

最近婆婆的牙不好,可能有炎症, 吃饭的时候前门牙就疼, 不敢嚼东西,只能喝点稀粥之类。我们看着她一点点消瘦很心疼。 我突然想到,离我家不远的地方有个五谷磨坊,我曾经进去过,买过东西, 里面有很多种类的五谷杂粮。专门磨成粉,有营养,又健康, 非常适合婆婆吃。

So I went into the grain mill. The landlady is young, more than 30. The room is not big , it’s a suit that they live inside and the grain is outside . She makes a living by selling the cereal nutrition powder.

于是就走进了这家五谷磨坊。老板娘很年轻, 30多岁。地方不大,就一个套间, 外面是货品, 里面是居住的地方。 主打的就是五谷养生粉。







There is a prescription list on the wall. All kinds of nutritious powder are very comprehensive. I bought two bags. A bag is for my mother-in-law to eat, blood nourishing heart powder. One is calcium powder my husband and me . After all, we are middle-aged, it’s time for having calcium.
The landlady moves quickly. Soon, two bags of rice flour are ready and you can smell good aroma all over the room.

墙上挂着配方表,各种营养粉,很是全面啊。 我买了两袋。一袋是给婆婆吃的,补血养心粉。一个是补钙粉, 我和老公吃, 毕竟我们也是人到中年啊, 也该补补钙了,哈哈。 老板娘动作麻利, 很快,两袋米粉就打好了,这时候你就会闻到满屋子都是磨好的米粉的香气。




大枣 上药.jpg





There are a variety of dry cargo in this shop, from medicine to vegetables. The price is moderate, not much more expensive than the market. Nowadays people are paying more attention to health, especially food. She said there were many people coming here to mill the powder every day .you can choose anything you like according to your health and taste. You can also bring your own grains, she can process it for you . In addition to these foods, there are all kinds of supplements. Medicine there and seven , American ginseng , Ganoderma lucidum. All this is good when it is used properly. Usually I bought these things in the supermarket . Now it is good, is really convenient. My feeling is, as long as you have the money, you can buy anything you want !

这个店里还有各种干货,从药材到干菜。价格都很适中, 并不比市场贵多少。现在的人们越来越注重健康了, 尤其是吃的东西。 她说每天来她这里打粉的很多,根据自己的健康和口味,随意挑选。 也可以自己带杂粮,她给加工。除了这些吃的,还有各种补品。三七啊, 西洋参啊,灵芝啊, 等等 。这些只要合理利用,都是好东西。 原来买这些东西我还的专门去超市, 现在好, 真是方便了。 一个感慨就是, 只要有钱,就是家门口啥都能买到呀!




After returning home, I immediately have a small bowl with two spoons , pour with boiling water, for a period of time, a bowl of fragrant grain rice paste is ready . It's a simple and convenient breakfast with some bread, cakes, ham, fruit and so on. And then my healthy life is beginning ! I also hope that my mother – in law can be better soon . she can eat much with the paste as soon as possible to restore health!

回到家, 我立即冲了一小碗, 两勺放在小碗里,用开水冲,静置一段时间,一会一碗香喷喷的五谷米糊就好了, 简单,方便,早餐配点面包, 蛋糕,火腿,水果 之类, 健康生活就这样开始啦!也希望婆婆的病早些好,五谷米糊能帮助她多吃点,尽快恢复健康!





Thanks for reading !



wow, so many different ingredients, I love helthy food

yeah , very nice to eat !

Very Nice sharing Thanks! upvote ,following you & resteemed post

thanks !

My Pleasure

Very Nice thanks for shring

thanks !

hi i am @lahcen80 i upvoted for you and followed you hope you will follow me back

wow ♥
follow me i am following you ☻

Valuable information and great post. thanks

thanks for your visiting !

Hi @bxt! Wow! The food looks very tasty. I love how you present it. I really enjoyed your post :) Thanks so much for sharing!

glad you like it , thanks .

Great and educational article. Thank you for sharing.

glad you like it and thanks for your comment !

WOW what an amazing place!! I wish I had a shop like that here in Costa Rica!! haha INCREDIBLE. Thanks for sharing.
Have a beautiful day!!

thanks !


谢谢,生活这么美好, 干嘛不热爱呢,哈哈!