What does Happiness mean to you?

in #life6 years ago

Money? Romance? Power? Fame?

There is nothing wrong with any of these things. But the truth is, they will not, in and of themselves, bring you authentic happiness.

My name is Burhan Hamza, and I welcome you to Strategies for Happiness, a website dedicated to helping you to get the most out of your life!

Have you ever asked yourself...?

"How can I gain happiness in my life?"

"Are we born happy or do we learn it?"

"What is Happiness, anyway?"

There are no simple answers to these questions, but the purpose of Strategies for Happiness is to give you ideas that can help you to find the answers that are right for you. Happiness is not a feeling. It is a choice, a mindset and a way of thinking. By changing your way of thinking, you can change your actions and how you feel.

Greater happiness can be yours! This is not some fluffy, pie in the sky promise. The power and choice start with you! It is a simple and plain fact.

Happiness at Home

You are responsible for your life, your health, and your Happiness. No one else can do it for you. You need to find ways to find the happiness you may be missing, or enhance what you already have. This will not only make your life better but it will also enhance the lives of those who are close to you, your loved ones and friends.


Happiness at Work

When you are Happy, not only do you feel good, but your positivity radiates out to others. By developing the best positive mental health for yourself, your co-workers or your employees, you promote positivity and productivity. Nobody likes to work with or for a grump. You owe it to yourself, and those that work around you to enhance the level of happiness in the workplace.


Happiness at Play
If you let misery take control of your life, it is so tempting to just sit at home and feel sorry for yourself. I know, I've done it. You must develop the habit of Happiness so that you can improve your relationships, develop new interests and get out and live. Get involved with the community, share your joy and participate in life!

What Strategies for Happiness Can Do for You

Strategies for Happiness has many practical ideas that can help you achieve greater life satisfaction. I have compiled Strategies that can help you to develop a healthier, happier outlook on life.

In my research, I have found many websites that offer additional ideas and information. I don't have all the answers. So I encourage you to look at the links provided. Be pro-active and find out what works for you. (Coming Soon)

Maybe you have a great idea or insight that would make the Strategies even better, or you have just written an article that you believe would help others and would like to see it published. Feel free to contact me to share your experience, or make a booking for my Workshop.

My passion is to share and help others live a better life. Feel free to give me constructive comments that can make this site more effective.

Make the choice today to claim your life and achieve true joy!

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