Cheyenne Mountain State Park ticket
We got a ticket in Cheyenne Mountain State Park here in Colorado for not having a state park pass.
We were creating content for this site and other channel's on Sunday, 9 july.
I saw some signs about paying for something but I thought it was only for people trying to campout. I know that camping and fishing require passes but just walking in a park??
So we drove pass the signs and kept filming. Beautiful place.
If I was an anarchist, I guess I would say something like "why does Anyone have to pay to walk in a park!?"
But the more sensible brainwashed Bruce is thinking, "The national parks take a small fee to maintain the grounds.. And they did a good job."
Cheyenne has simple trails that are easy to navigate.
There is an incline as the trails go toward the mountain but it not bad.
It is located adjacent to Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station.
We were filming some footage to go with an idea we had for @yurisincero's certification that she recently earned.
We learned what to do if you see a black bear. After we learned that turned around and left.
The ticket cost $27.50 but it was worth it 😆😎