A letter to @lynncoyle1 as I inch closer to death from Cancer

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Another day has come and gone and as our year approaches I feel as close now and as happy as ever. Where does one rationalize the fact that it is possible to spend twenty four seven with someone and not feel overwhelmed. I think the answer to this is the fact that a true connection is what can only make this a reality. I do feel we are that connection and that there will be nothing that’s breaks us except death. When I awake each day it is like I am born again. No different than springtime when we see all the babies and the young pups and well see it all, hope you get what I mean. When I was little I saw a baby bird fall from its nest to the ground and actually was not even hurt. The following minutes were followed by another bird falling this time dying on the cold ground. I have to ask myself why, why do these things happen and who decides the fate of all living things. I can only say that I have now made this connection that no one controls who lives or dies but ourselves. We met and now are connected as one and nothing will ever change that or even taint that, no matter what happens now I am content to know that I have found true love, honour and loyalty that no one will ever take from us. I watch each day as our connection not only grows stronger and more powerful but now seems unbreakable. It is like the song free bird or even our song by Rhianna, I was never a fan of hers until I heard that song with you but I know in my soul that no matter where you are or how old you are that once I am gone and you here that song you will smile that sexy crooked smile, dream of me even if for a mere moment and remember everything in a blink of an eye from crib nights to dancing, kissing and knowing that what we had in life was real and like you say could never be duplicated. NEVER!!!!!!!!!
If at any time in your life as you move on just remember that I have tried to fight this in a way that makes me feel alive but not useless. I have fought this for us and it is your strength and love that’s keeps me going. When I am alone like this am when I had time to walk alone and I was sad to be alone but content to know that you were warm and safe in our bed. I hate walking this earth without you by my side and even if it is to do nothing more than hold your hand and feel your gaze upon me, well that’s all I can ever ask for. To me you are my raven and guide for this journey. I now believe you will do all that I need and when I close my eyes at night that even if they never open again I know that I will be taken care of the way I wanted. A true lover you are and I thank my lucky stars that we have had this and that we discovered true love together. Rare when you think about it, each day we see nothing but the boring life around us where people go about the dull routine of living. We had that same way of living in the past but FUCK ME that’s not living……..we now live a life that no matter what no one will tell us this way or that way was right, we know in our hearts and our souls that the way we have lived is the real true way. Anyway I am just blabbering on as I am so unsure of how long this can continue. Is it an eternity even after I die and when you finally join me that we will walk hand in hand among the streets and beaches in heaven together, are usual chatting or is it over when I go. I am at such a depressing feeling at times because leaving you will be harder that the actual dying if this is the case.

TRU dat--------tru Dat--------TRUUUUUU dat-------

I laugh every time you say that and the different tones. Same as the fuck me, LOL
The following is a few lines for you

No one I know talks to raven the way we do.
Probably no one listens to them either.
Perhaps, somewhere else, someone I don't know
Does converse with the true lords of the sky
I hope there are others that wait
To catch their attention, or freeze in wonder
When one sets its heavy-body down on the tree branch
Compared to the flirting, flitting finches,
Those tiny flying thistle-seeking missiles,
The Raven is the original wide-body jet black in colour
Fashionable or not, in vogue or not, the black Raven,
Black as a lunar eclipsed rainbow and when possible
I will caw back any time I get the chance.
Some say that magpies are messengers of the spirit world.
But maybe the Raven’s cousins just have that in common.
I would really hate to miss an important message
So I listen. I watch. I wait.
I take note of their habits and patterns.
And wonder and thank you Ravens for what you have guided me to
Sometimes I know they're laughing at me
When I talk to them as I am sure that to them
My accent is hilarious and unimportant

But lately the same pair has been hanging around
Every morning these two edge nearer to my soul
When I am out and dreaming and I watch ever so closely
As they come one tree closer at a time.

Yesterday the male circled around my head
In a look-see spiral before landing in a closer tree
And today the female was pacing up and down
Making me wonder is she had something important on her mind

I want to catch the message
I long to be caught up by the mystery
Of just what she has to tell me
I am so ever willing to learn

Well Babyloooo, the time seems to be so short but the feelings I have are like I have been connected to you for an eternity. An endless life of peace and tranquility that I wish others could feel but am jealous to know that very few will ever get that chance. When later in life I hope you look upon the sky each day and see me circling as I am sure I will be checking to make sure you are ok. Remember Ravens mate for life but I am sure for me that I will be alone waiting for the day when we will fly together wing tip to wing tip with the speed of an eclipse. I will sit alone upon the trees and soar the skies to look through these black eyes to you my lover so that no one shall ever hurt you. I will wait for that day when you come from nowhere to land beside me on the branch and say FUCK ME time went way to slow Sugar but I am here now. Lets fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More to come…………stupid thoughts I am sure


stupid thoughts I am sure

Anything but. I love you <3

Thanks for resteeming @davemccoy. This is one of the most powerful reads I have experienced yet on Steem blockchain. @briancourteau you have me sobbing and I am sure you are sick and tired of people saying they are sorry so let me say I am happy you have a wonderful woman to love, and who loves you. Let me say I am happy you have chosen to fight and to fight in this particular manner, to spend your energy immortalizing your love on the blockchain, and I am happy I have read your words because they make the love in me for my wife and my kids and my friends and the world around me grow stronger; they make my appreciation for my life grow deeper; and also because I have also long talked to ravens. I love you - Carl

Thank you @carlgnash, that is an amazing response my friend!! My husband, @briancourteau, is powerful in so many ways, and I'm so glad that you can see that in his writing!! I am also blessed that all of his words will be forever immortalized here on this blockchain...forever. That is such a powerful thing.

I truly am thankful that you were able to twist this around and profess your happiness at what Brian and I have found, as opposed to focusing on what we will eventually lose...although lose is not the right word, because his love will be in my heart forever...and I know that those ravens, who will one day be swooping down at me, will be a magnificent sign of the love that we were so fortunate enough to have experienced. It warms our hearts to see our story affect you in such a way that you will now love everything and everyone that much more. And the fact that you also talk to ravens...simply beautiful! We love you too Carl. Thank you again.

My friend. I am so happy for your comment because you hit it on the head. I am sick of the feeling sorry for me. I fight this fight because my love for her will never fade or die. I thank you for your words. I will remember them for as long as possible. You are a good man. Thank you

This is so special... You have the bonds that are beautiful and I am happy to see such real love.. I am very happy that you two are together and spending every day trying to enjoy all that life has to offer. I am sorry that you have your bad days, and there is not much more I can say. The only thing I know is you two have the deepest love I've ever seen.

I hope tomorrow is a beautiful day for you and Lynn! I hope God gives you a big smile to enjoy your day with your lovely lady!

Thank-you for resteeming this 🖤

Thank you for noticing Jill!

Thank you so much Dave for your words...please don't ever think that you are lacking because what you say is perfect. It warms our hearts that you can see the unique bond that Brian and I share. We feel fortunate for every day that we are given; I too am hoping for a good day tomorrow because when Brian can smile, I can too. Thank you again!

I agree... I hope you both had a huge smile today! And an even bigger one tomorrow!!!

Thank you so much Dave! That's what all of us should ever hope for I think :)

Dave it took me a while to respond as You my friend are one of the most gueniune peole I have ever got to know. As before you definately would be a peep I would hang out with. Today so far is a good day but tiring day. Between you and me the truth is I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of saying goodbye to her. Thanks again

I understand that completely. And that is an amazing thing because it defines true love.

I'm glad to hear you had a good day and I hope you have many more and enjoy each one!

You are an amazing guy and I'm happy to be one of your "peeps"!

🖤 Beautiful. I feel the passion. I feel the love. I adore the ode to raven. May blessing be upon you both.

Thank you so much @yogajill! I'm glad that you feel Brian's words; that means so much to both of us. And yes, the raven...such a wondrous creature that we both adore.

May blessing be upon you both.

Thank you.

You're welcome so much @lynncoyle1 🖤 i really hope the great mystery surprises you both with miracles. 🙏

😓😓 how i wished i had super powers to make everything disappear. It is well.

I am thankful but your response is like a super power. It otivates me to keep fighting

Awww @gracefavour, that is very sweet of you to say ;) Brian and I desperately try to hang on to all the positives in life that we have been blessed with, namely finding each other and being able to share the love that we have found!

it's a great poetry post i love this poet. amazing photography. thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much.........very much appreciated

I have fought this for us and it is your strength and love that’s keeps me going.

we now live a life that no matter what no one will tell us this way or that way was right, we know in our hearts and our souls that the way we have lived is the real true way.

Just a couple of lines that I liked a lot from your post Brian.

You are each equally as important to the other and I like how you guys have taken life by the neck and squeezed hard! I think you guys are the sort of people who my wife and I wold hang out with and despite this fucked up thing is happening to you, you should count yourselves as lucky that you are the type of people you are...And that you have had each other.

Keep on crushing it bro!

Thank you from both of us @galenkp; your kindness is truly appreciated! We also think that you and your wife would make great friends,

despite this fucked up thing

We are thankful for being us, thankful for finding each other, thankful for our love and thankful for each sunrise and each sunset...in the end, it's all that truly matters .

Brian says that he will continue to "crush it" :)

your response @galenkp brought me to tears, thank you for really noticing my writing and the meaning.

Unlike me I know, but I am speechless.

your speechless comment means alot to me. As I am now aware that my words were exactly how I wanted them to come out to her

@deliberator, like Brian said, your no words say plenty <3

Such a touching love story. I have been following along for a bit now, and while the overall story saddens me, the fact that you two have eachother makes me very happy. I am sure on some level you will always be together. Thank you for allowing us to share your story.

Thank you so much @randomwanderings! Brian and I appreciate you "following", and am glad that you can find the positives in our story.

I am sure on some level you will always be together.

We are both counting on just that!

Thank you for caring ; that's means more than words can say to both Brian and myself.

Thank you my friend for following and thank you for the message. I truly am lucky that I have her but I am lucky I have you all and you all help moyivate me to fight

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