Oh yes, everyone knows about duct tape. I consider it an essential myself. In fact I carry several rolls of the stuff with me everywhere I go, just in case I need to tape something. You'd be surprised at how many things require taping. A lot of times they are things you might not really think required taping - cats, for example. But they always end up better off post-duct-taping.
Oh man! I meant Duct tape!! Lol!
Oh yes, everyone knows about duct tape. I consider it an essential myself. In fact I carry several rolls of the stuff with me everywhere I go, just in case I need to tape something. You'd be surprised at how many things require taping. A lot of times they are things you might not really think required taping - cats, for example. But they always end up better off post-duct-taping.
That's correct, everything is better duct taped. Why my old gran was complaining about her hip the other day. Not now, taped it up good and proper!