Diy yard games that are super simple and super fun!

in #life8 years ago

Hello, lately ive made a couple sipmle yard games that are super easy to make and are super fun...I say yard games but they're simple enough to be able to pack up to take to the beach, a friends house, pretty much wherever you want to go have fun!

Heres one that i did'nt even have to make. My dad had some old above groun pool legs that happened to work perfect.. heres a picture from me playing yesterday having a couple cold ones!
Founders all day ipa happened to be my choice!
Now i play with full beers but if you want to make it kid friendly you could use anything else really, for example; pop cans, a tennis ball (or any ball light enough to knock off with a frisbee, anything you can balance on a post and knock off.. the post i used was an old pool frame post. You could also use a pvc pipe, a wood deck post, anything you can stick in the ground and balance something on.
RULES; one person on either side, could also have teams.
Hit the post or can with a frisbee to make the can fall to the ground.
Hit the post to knock the can off = 1 point
Hit the can directly to knock it off = 3 points
TRICK OF THE GAME! when the can is falling and your opponent is about to cash in on points , if you can catch the can before it hits the ground, they get nothing!.
END; forst to 21 wins.
You could switch it up and make your own point scale or add ways to get points. Play however you want, the goal is to have fun!.

I have another game ill post in a bit.. we'll see how this game does, if it sounds fun and you want more ideas, upvote, comment and everything else to get my attention and ill keep more easy and super fun diy games coming.

Thanks and hope you have fun!


This game is fun for sure! Gotta play it soon.

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