Promissory Note andother things....
2nd post on steemit.
Hi All,
This is a true story dealing with the life I am leading now.
Almost 3 years ago I set out on a journey leading me to my present state of affairs. I have always been a bit difficult to deal with. This is me stating facts. I have always went with it so to speak, never really questioning the powers that be too much. I have tried that way many times BEGINNING at 3 years of age and continuing. First off I don't trust many people. This steams from a very religious up bringing. You see I was raised in a household where religion was king. My father and mother discovered being a prat of the Jehovah's Witness religion was key. In that my mother strived to keep me abreast on all things GOD, in her pursuit she inadvertently taught me to read at a very early age, in hopes I would take part in her view point, as life is a fickle thing, that knowledge lead me to be a thinker. In being a thinker of course I had questions. Questions that would turn my parents world upside down. My earliest memory is me being 3 years of age and included me questioning my dads parenting skills while he attempted to teach me to swim. I was 3... reading , the signs of the pool rules attempting to beg off. "Children under the age of 12 are not allowed in said pools etc. As an adult I think back on this experience and smile, because it is me in a nutshell, always trying to to find a loop hole in writing to deal with what I wasn't comfortable with. Fast forward to now, I met the man of my dreams and I am fully devoted to him, one thing though, he is not in a position to be an upstanding citizen of society, he's an anarchist if you will. Before him I had only heard of the word in passing. Its a very real thing. So I know being legit and getting what we needed, him, my daughter and me falls completely on my shoulders. No problem, I am in love and it took me 12 years to find him., So I put on my big girl panties and pushed through. It's not all doom and gloom, because his family stepped up to the plate and help me acquire property, land ya'll, #homesteadlife. They bought us land!!! In our present situation his family was looking out for him and in turn looked out me. We ended up getting 2 acres of land in my name. Now all I had to do was acquire a place to live, a home to put on said property, and I did that with my honey getting my affairs in order and we did.... Now here comes the promissory part of it all. I ended up financing a mobile home, manufactured home, trailer if you will. Its all in my name. His family has been kind enough to offer to pay off my mortgage with a guaranty, if I put the land up for collateral. Should I take part of this opportunity or let it ride? I am thrilled to be part of this community and would love your input. Thank you for taking the time to read
I have no idea of the legalities of your last question, but i love that an anarchist has a family and a true love to help him in his difficult life choices! You are a beautiful soul to follow love wherever it takes you, sounds like the world is smiling on yáll best of luck
Thank you Much!!!
Welcome To Steemit. I am following your blog.
Awesome... Your parents did well :)
you bought a mobile home with a promissory note ?
No, a normal mortgage. The promissory note would be between me and his family and the land would be collateral.