
Technology brings a lot of stress.

true that! even though it helps us to keep in touch with eachother when you are from a distance or something else better. Still, not only for kids but also for adults it can bring a lot of stress

Masa yang indah

Yes. As a kid, I remember playing a lot of outdoor games then even though technology was already starting to creep in. Now, I see most kids on advanced technology I couldn't dream of having as a kid, with lots and lots of video games. They are ignorant of real play.

Yes, indeed. Me too! Even though I was more a child who liked staying home and reading books or playing with toys.

Now when I go to a birthday party where kids are too, I see them only play on the tablet or smartphone. Their parents like to keep them quiet so they easily give the phone so they can talk to other parents. Even my own nephew didn’t want to play with other children. He’d rather play on the smartphone. Not only is it bad for his social life but also his health.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Whenever I have kids, I know what to do! Make sure to get them outside and play in nature!

it's easy to feel free, to breathe unwittingly the air of freedom. But when once you lost it, it will be the hardest struggle of your life to get it back...

I believe what you say. It’s with everything. Once your brains get used to something else, it’s like an addiction you can’t get rid of it.

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