Principle of the DaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

Principle:  Concentration comes with maturity.

....original photography and editing by @bleujay.

'Summer's Harvest of Hay Bales'

Principles are timeless truths/concepts/proverbs for our ponderance.

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A kind note to all new Steemians........good manners and thoughtfulness of others will take you for those who leave notes and links directing members to their site.....and those who comment without an accompanying upvote.......please be advised this is not the Steemit way.

bleujay does request that Steemians be so kind as to not leave gifs/photographs, etc. so as not to distract from the post......thank you.

Welcome to Steemit.


@bleujay you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Thank you @flagfixer....very kind of you.

@tornadoman's account has been flagged.

@bentleycapital has been flagged as well.

Great profile picture......very apt for the account name. ^__^

Wishing you all the best.


Very splendid but I do feel the need to say

Bales to that!


Greetings @meesterboom.

So happy to hear you thought it splendid.

Appreciate you stopping by.

Wishing you and yours all the best. ^__^


And the very same to you lass, nice to see a posting from you! :0)

Very kind words from you @meesterboom.

Thank you. ^__^

Hope you are in on the latest development...see @cryptoctopus latest post regarding Byteball.

A bientot!

I saw!! I haven't gotten around to doing it yet. Hopefully tonight!

Hay there @meesterboom i see we both like puns

Lol, yes it certainly looks that way!

Hi @bleujay

Thank you for posting

Likes your photos "hay bales"

In Norway we call "hay bales" for tractor eggs

The warm weather and drought here in Norway means that the farmers do not get enough hay for the winter.
And that they all must think about slaughtering parts of their livestock.

we have to return to 1904 to be able to mix such drought and heat.

Watercourses and streams dry in and the fish yolk dies out.

We are happy for the nice summer weather, but it is at the expense of much else here in Norway

Thank you for your kind reply @xpilar.

So sorry to hear of the drought and interesting time in history.....many changes at that time.

Thank you for the term....'Tractor Eggs' very humourous.

Appreciate you stopping by. ^__^


hey, bales! ^ ^
lovely photographs mon ami
it looks very sunny out there!

I love hay bales that every time we go to Kleve I only keep looking at the windows to find a field full of them! ^ ^
and when it's windy enough, and they're freshly cut
the smell of the breeze is so damn delicious to the nose :)
you know what I mean right? ^ ^

have fun mon ami
I want to climb and try to roll one down the hill!

Hiya mon ami.......

So happy to hear you enjoyed the post......a favourite here as well. Yes....I do know what you mean. ^__^

The entire process from start to finish goes so seems no sooner did you relish its was gone.

Let's do climb the hills and then roll one.

Lovely to hear from you.

Thank you for stopping by.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

A bientot! xox

Nice looking bales and countryside... a great principle too! Thanks for sharing both!

Thank you @brian.rrr for your kind words.

So glad to hear you enjoyed the post.

Wishing you and your family a lovely week end....kind greetings to your wife and hugs to the little ones. ^__^


Concentration comes with maturity

Amen to that. Not many good things come with maturity.

So now I know, at least I'm getting concentrated. :D

Thank you for stopping by @koskl.

Lovely to 'see' you. is so true. I enjoyed thinking on this principle with the hay bales in mind. Such a different product than just grass in the field......and vauable as well. ^__^

Wishing you all the best.


I must say I missed you principles of life. It is very nice to have you back. Concentration is something we are lack of in childhood, I remember how difficult it was to make my son concentrated on reading books, drawing or playing . It is indeed comes with the time so my advice to be patient especially with children.

I love haystacks on field, that always look so cosy and tidy. I can imagine how the farmers are happy to have done their job on field. Luckily nowadays we have machinery that makes everything easier.

Wish you a nice weekend and Cheers :)

Hiya @stef1.

Thank you for your kind is always encouraging to hear when there is an appreciation of the you can surmise.....I could not live without them. ^__^

Yes...there is something so beautiful about the process from beginning to end....something so tidy as you say....something so worthy of praise.

Appreciate your kind wishes and here's wishing you the same....a lovely week end.


Beautiful photography as always bleujay. Maturity is a learned behavior and can be a good defense mechanism at times. It definitely generates a sense concentration. Glad to see the post! Best wishes! PS Seeing a bunch of these, not sure if it's a problem on my end ( )

Greetings @hansenatortravel.

Thank you for your kind compliment.

So true......learning to behave responsibly....'disciplining yourself so others do not have to' how the famous Coach Wooden put it. ^__^

Now I think a visit to the eye doctor is in order....hehe

I have not yet seen any such markings.

Thank you for stopping by.

Wishing you and yours all the best.


Yeah. It must be a problem on my end. That is weird. I still see them all through the end of your post. Maybe it's the type of image. Self actualization helps with discipline, or is a result of. Anyways, hope the eye doctor went well. See you again soon!

hehe, I see them too

Glad it's not just me. Haha

I have done a small test

When I use Google Chrome, I see them.

In microsoft edge, they are not visible.

So there is something about the browsers

I tried it. Works well. Haha. Going to stick with Chrome though. It must be for a certain spacing command.

Nice post. I've missed your posts. I hope everything is okay!

Thank you for stopping by @nat-expressions.

So happy to hear you enjoyed the post.

Yes.....thank you for inquiring.....everything is going well. Life has intruded in a good I am a bit scarce at the moment......hopefully before too long......things will settle down. ^__^

All the best.


Love the bale photos, such nice views of the countryside. I can imagine the smells of cut hay, I love that smell. My uncle was a farmer years back. Also...for some reason, as I stare at each photo, I SWEAR they start to move down the hill at a slow roll. Maybe it's your photo perspective, maybe it's because they're round, or maybe our hot weather here is causing creative brainspace, but whatever the reason, I'm quite sure they're on the move.

Thank you for your witty humourous kind complimentary reply @ddschteinn.

I am sure as well that these bales are on the move. ^__^

Yes......this is one of the fine moments of Summer.

All the best to you.


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