What Gets You Up In The Morning?

in #life7 years ago


While filling up my nutritionist papers this morning, I found a question that was quite intriguing. In the personal quests he asks what makes me get out of bed every morning and it took me about twenty minutes to answer.

Well, I rather don’t share it on Steemit, I found it very personal and particular, but I’m astonished how it took me so long to answer that.

Today I’d like to share it with you guys, and make you reflect on your life in a way you know to answer that.

I recall years ago, when I was motivated to achieve something and getting up in the morning was so easy and natural, I knew what to do and where I was going, going to bed early and waking up early was absolutely great. As I got frustrated with that thing, getting up everyday was just ugh, too much!

I mean, of course I kept doing what I had to and perform my tasks was alright, but there was no pleasure any more, it became an obligation.

How does it feel for you? What are your thoughts in the morning? Are you “yay, let’s do it” or “ugh, another day on planet Earth!”.

I realise I’ve been just existing lately, just killing time. And it has nothing to do with things I do or don’t, I simply feel no pleasure in doing those things I have to. And I’m not talking about job or a sport, I’m talking about all life departments.

Do you feel genuinely happy your are alive? Because I guess I just feel alright I’m not dead yet. Do you see the difference here?

I mean, we should never feel guilty for these kind of feelings, but we should think over them, because we deserve happiness. Why am I living like that? What’s wrong that I found no pleasure in what I do and am?

I asked a friend what makes her get out of the bed and she answer “I guess a good black coffee and the feeling I can fix what I still haven't succeeded”. That sounded right to me.

If you already know the answer, please, share with us in the comments.

Thanks for reading,


My everyday full time job makes me to get up early morning.

Ik werd erop gewezen dat jij ook Rotterdammer bent, vind het altijd zo onwaarschijnlijk dat er 'nog meer' Rotterdammers op Steemit zitten, dus kwam even hallo zeggen :-)

^ Above message in Dutch was maybe too much of an assumption that you actually speak Dutch? Anyway, I was notified by Ashley you live in Rotterdam and wanted to say hi to a fellow woman from Rotterdam! <3

(let's say I can understand Dutch quite well haha but I don't speak as good)

Hello! Yeahhhh, Rotterdam represents woohoooo
So good to see the Rotterdammer community growing on Steemit, hope you are having fun! following you <3

Haha! Cool! :D Following Rotterdammers on Steemit is my favorite thing to do! :D Good to meet you here!

Excelente questionamento, no meu caso, a intenção e impacto que minhas ações podem surtir no mundo são os motivos de eu acordar diariamente. Isso engloba fatores como família, trabalho, metas, comunidade, a vida como um todo, de uma maneira bem mais coerente e significativa. Li um livro falando sobre propósito do Mário Sergio Cortella chamado Porque fazemos o que fazemos, e logo no começo ele menciona a importância de se acordar de manhã e ter pensamentos e foco no que deve ser feito, e não simplesmente agir "no modo automático". É um pensamento simples dizer que tenho o propósito disso ou daquilo, mas na prática é muito desafiador e conflitante. Cada um pode encontrar o seu e assim acordar de manhã da melhor maneira que já se imaginou um dia, com a satisfação de saber que está fazendo a coisa certa

Que bacana, fiquei interessada no livro! Realmente, é muito desafiador e é uma conquista e luta diária. Qual o meu propósito na minha própria vida. Às vezes é muito mais fácil levantar cedo e ir trabalhar, fazer dinheiro para sobreviver e agregar a vida do dono da empresa. A gente sempre pensa em agregar pro mundo, mas quando agregamos a nós mesmos e com que frequência? Valeu a indicação e o comentário!

Lieve Bianca, you wrote: "I mean, we should never feel guilty for these kind of feelings, but we should think over them, because we deserve happiness",
But I think, we don't deserve happiness just like that. It is not something that grows on a tree, we have to do something ourselves, it is a mindset. When do we feel happy? For instance, when we make another person happy, we feel happy too. Happiness is not static, happiness does not come naturally. It is up to us, to make something of our lives. You cannot sit and wait till you will be happy, you have to take action.
We all have periods when we think our lives are worthless, but that also is a mindset. We are as worthless as we let ourselves think. But in reallity we are not worthless, we are very valuable, you are very valuable. The actions of one person can change the world. I don't want to go so far as to say you have to change the world (I haven't), but we can be of great value in our own surroundings, for the people we love and cherish.
I hope you will overcome these feelings my dear, In any case, I think you are very valuable!

that's exactly what I meant, maybe I didn't express myself correctly!

I just read a post by countrygirl and she quoted a beautiful short poem :
it's your road and yours alone
others may walk it with you
but no one can walk it for you

Agreed! lovely. Thanks!

We all have days when getting up to face the day does not give us joy. I feel like this when I have been under a lot of stress or it has been overcast and no sun for a few days. I feel like a flower that needs sun shine and no stress.

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