To find your answers you must remove yourself from the problem.

in #life7 years ago

If you are in Business for yourself, and people see you 'working' 70 hours a week, can you honestly say you could not condense that down to 40 hours by working smarter?

Are you sat in front of the PC for the most part of the day ready for when that all important email comes in and seconds later you have fired off a 1,000 word email because the potential customer needs to know everything to make a decision to buy your products?

If you could spend a bit more time 'away' from the PC, you may find more ideas come to you when you are removed from your work-station and inspiration come to you subconsciously.

When I am struggling on that last crossword clue, I close my eyes try to think of something else and BANG there it is, it was so obvious. The challenge many of us who work from home have is being creative, and not allowing our mind's eye the chance to speak to us.

Some call it the universe speaking to us, some call it prayers being answered and leading us, but if we are too busy being busy we won't hear the answer.

Creativity is the life blood for people working by themselves, you have to come up with great ideas all the time and have the experience to put those ideas into action.

So go for a walk and do something different. For me it was a walk to our local mall each day in the searing Thailand heat, Taxi drivers would kerb crawl alongside me and tell me the Mall is like 3kms why are you walking? "Exercise!" I would shout out, what they see is me exersizing my legs but for me its expanding my brain and allowing myself time to think away from the desk. And of course a walk along a beach is well worth it.

Not to mention the obvious health benefits of a walk...

See you at the top


Great advice, sometimes time away has many benefits, thanks for sharing.

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