in #life7 years ago

Yesterday, while getting up in the morning I had the news on, and they were talking about information overload. It was ironic, in the fact that they said too much negative stories, such as watching too much news in general can be bad for your health. I can see it, I get tired of all the stupid stories that people try and write, and say it is news when it is just opinions. I didn't notice it affecting my mood, but I was frustrated with the news, so I guess it was affecting me. I can't believe the news actually said watching less of them might be good. download (4).jpg

So I am going to try it, limit my trips to yahoo, because we all know yahoo is crap anyway, and I am just sticking to the weather channel. So for me that means 87 days no rain and sunny. I do feel that this has a lot to do with peoples stress, back in the older days, you had just less to worry about. Stuff still went on, you just did not know about every little detail.


Hey @bigram13. I couldn't agree with you more on this! I think information overload is a very real problem nowadays. I try to limit my exposure to 'unnecessary information' to the minimum. I also intentionally steer clear of negative or political- or agenda driven news. The irony of the news commenting on this problem, is hilarious. :)

Sometimes I wish we could return to the days when we had real connections in real relationships, like our grandparents did. It seems as though they had more time to sit down and drink a cup of tea and connect face-to-face, they had time to take a moment to chat over the fence to the neighbor. They weren't running with their faces buried in cellphones.

I am grateful though, for the platforms we have today - to be able to connect with people and experiences we never would've been able to a few years ago. Social media and platforms like steemit gives us the opportunity to connect with each other right now, even though we are half a world away from each other. I am privileged to be able to read your posts with the click of a button - that's quite cool. Living in this era has it's pros and cons I guess. Let's try and focus on the pros and filter out the negative news and unnecessary information overload as you suggest!

Ya, I can tell you that I agree, and I definitely hang out with less people now. I feel people are okay with hanging out together online and it is weird. Also tech has put more obligations on people, and made it where there is less time. I would be okay with less tech.

This is really interesting and true. Few years ago, we knew little, we were fine and life went on. Today, the amount information available is literarily burying us alive. Consider your phone or laptop notifications: mail from your boss and other mails, weather notifications, current news, scheduled events, whatsapp and other apps notifications, etc we are too distracted. To maintain focus for 5min seems a dauting task. You have inspired me to even make a post about how our life was when we knew less and now that we know more. Thanks @bigram13. I will tag you as soon as i finish organizing my thought on this.

The more people know the more we are stressed out all the time, somethings you can't change.

I generaly avoid news, and especially sensational news

I think that is all the news that is left. I don't see anyone really reporting just facts.

Sadly, that is a fact

Hahahaha sticking to the weather channel? I still think you'll be remembering the yahoo incidence, why? Because it's inhumane and evil, I do hope however you watch cartoon network, or nicklodion hahahaha

Cartoons are my week spot, but I prefere the classics like Tom and Jerry

That is the problem with this so called media houses, when they run out of ideas. They pick up someone opinion and report it as fact.
If too much information is harmful to ones health then why ain't them in hospital bed for treatment because they have the whole information, they just report it in brief.

87 days, that it is long. I agree with u on the weather channel, they might report when rain is falling next

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It's certainly a huge problem. And it also doesn't help the issues you care about because sooner or later you burn out under the constant stress. I think people should still care about news, but they should know how to filter it out, how to keep it in perspective and should not get consumed by it.

I haven't watched the news in years. Not worth the time. I used to read lots of news, but it's all so negative and dark. If it's not something that I can actually do something about, then I probably don't need to know about it. I'll hear about it from other people eventually. No reason to subject myself to all that garbage just so I can "be informed."

The news is just stressful to watch or listen to. There are not enough positive stories to make it worth while and so much of what is being put out there is being told from the wrong perspective. To many agendas being pushed and not enough worthwhile information being shared. I’ll arixk to my sports radio.

I do not like to follow news
Because it is a human being
Continue and do not stop

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