Power Companies having Trap Plans

in #life7 years ago

Down here in the southwest, Solar is huge, but there are some problems. Power companies don't really know how to charge them. First they started buying the extra power from them and selling it to other houses. This resulted in people actually getting checks from APS and not bills. It was crazy, then they went to a deal that allowed you to store power on the grid, but you didn't get paid for it, it was just a running total against what you would use at night. Then they realized they were not making any money off these people, and wanted to charge a grid hook up charge. That immediately went to court, and is still being worked out.

I do agree with some of the aruguments APS makes, like they have to maintain a grid for someone, who may only pay 5 dollars a month, when APS has hundreds of vehicles and employees they have to maintain, just so that person can have access to power. The other point goes to everyone else who doesn't have solar, they will have to start paying more for power to help with the lack of households paying to take care of the grid. It is a new technology and a new problem, but I am sure they will find the answer.

Here is the new plans from APS, you can see they are trying to charge a basic service charge per day. It isn't much, but for 2 million homes, it is a nice chunk of change. I also like how they call it the Tariff sheet. HAHA20180318_104420.jpg


It's a complicated system because it's a merger of two technologies. If the solar-powered systems could provide enough battery space/life to their customers, they might not need to plug into the grid at all. This would reduce the number of customers on the grid, but it would also remove the responsibility for the utility company to maintain those houses.

In the meantime, it's a muddled mess. But for the record, those prices are still lower than a lot of places. Enjoy the cheaper power!

There have been people that have completely gone off the grid, and to my knowledge the power company is okay with that they have a issue with the people who use the grid, but only pay like 5 bucks a month. And now like 1 in 20 houses have solar power in my neighborhood, so it is really starting to become a problem for them.

net metering in sunny places does two things, causes rates for everyone who buys power to go up, they are essentially subsiding the solar panel owners, and making it difficult to be profitable enough to maintain the grid. The solution is for solar panel owners to be paid the same wholesale rates as other power producers are. Does your state have net metering? Warren Buffet hates net metering because he owns a power company.

I don't think so yet, they are more shooting for a grid charge. Like you have to pay 50 a month min whether you use the power or not. Warren Buffet is funny, he goes on with Obama and acts like there is all this potential for companies out there, but then just makes a monopoly. Kinda anti what they say their goal is.

that might be a reasonable solution, a lot cheaper than buying and maintaining a battery bank and provides a way to actually fund wire maintenance.

@bigram13, Interesting read. In Texas, we're deregulated so they have already separated delivery (wires and poles) from billing. I would think that if solar does what I believe it will do, the few cents per kWh will still continue to go to delivery. And, from what I hear, maybe the excess electricity can be traded with others on the blockchain. I hear that's in the works already. Hmmm. 🤔

What, a Solar blockchain, who did you hear that from?

Yes... PowerLedger.io. Based out of Australia. Really compelling!

I hear there might be a couple more coming on line too, or it might just be the same one and different sites.

This is where teslas power walls can be of service . If every single home had a solar system setup during the day way to much energy would be provided . But if every customer had a power wall. The company could basically use the customers stored energy to assist them in heavy energy usage like night time when no sun is out .

Ya, but the cost to set something up like that is insane, not to mention the negative effect of that power system on your roof.

Check out my system i really have to disagree on the cost . I have less than 10k into my 5kw solar system and no longer have a power bill. And it increases property value. Going solar really isnt that expensive unless you let a 3rd or 4th party put there hands into the mix . There is a lot of people out there that is willing to help you out also going solar. Its something that requires research and time though. If you just jump blindly you can spend 25k plus on a similar system. I cant say anything negative about the solar system being there. I dont ever notice it being up there until i get ready to spray them off when theirs a ton of pollen.

Are you talking about a complete system. Battery storage and all? And is that price with you doing the labor? From my understanding are the power walls the batteries Tesla sells?

Complete grid tie with system that is over what i use in power here you just have to pay for the privalage of being connected to there grid . I basically use the grid as a much more efficient means of battery storage. The power company here gets credit for producing green energy and i get a reliable grid . Its only down when some one hits a power pole .My plans are to get a tesla battery system for backup storage . like weather related I spent quite some time researching the best way to go solar and the cheapest but good quality . I can get the exact number but materials was around 8k with 30% tax credit.
Yes , i did do all the labor my self. I knew i could not afford to let a crew come in and do it plus i have the benefit i kinda beefed up the supporting system it sits on . I have double the attachments was for wind. Which saved me already because we got snow a few months after i put them up. (We dont see snow here first snow in over 20 years that was over 1/2 inch deep.) And yes power walls are like the ones tesla sells. But that isnt the only ones sold . Just one of the most known here.

Good service too

Help me, I want to level up like the other steemit, I can upvote hard, if you are willing please upvote I upvote, I really hope from you @bigram13 , thanks

Well they seem to be like other companies getting back what they want and of course ill legally.
Hope people does not gets more deep in their traps !

@bigram13 what do you think of Grid+?

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