Controlling what you buy.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I want to be clear, this is not a article based on the side for or against guns, this is about the slippery slope of actions that one person has thrown out there.

This person, and a couple other people are advocating that the financial system takes aim at a industry and prohibits people from spending their own money on a gun. Again whether you disagree or agree with owning a gun, that is the minor issue to the major thing proposed.

The precedent this would set would be catastrophic, and would lead to many negative things. Here are a few.

  1. You think politicians can be bought now. The banks could sell there boycotting power to the highest bidder leaving consumers to just one product, could kill any company or business at will.

  2. Whole industries could be driven out of business, even if they are completely legal.

  3. Freedoms would go away, why have laws, banks would control everything. Would be a dictatorship.

  4. They could start telling you what you can buy, how much you can buy of it, and when you can buy it.

  5. They would have total control, if they decide to go down this path, it would literally be like The hunger games, and this will probably push more people to cyprtocurrency, but block-chains may become even a easier way to control the monetary system.

Look at China, they control their people by controlling their money.


Yeah!! Who are they to tell us what should we buy ?

We should be allowed to make our own choices !!


They always want total control.

thank you for sharing his friend info .. and I am very happy to read your friend's post

Wonderful cyrptocurrency post Brilliant work

I completely agree with your fear. I can clearly put myself on one side of the gun debate but this is bigger than that. There would be a massive paradigm shift in consumer power. Essentially, the purchasing power that we currently have would begin to fade. Like you said, why stop at guns? We might as well just adopt Marxism and forget about the capitalist society we have already created.

Yep, it could get crazy if they did that, but I hope not.

I strongly agree because it can suppress the poverty rate

wow. a very cool weapon, but very deadly

Yeah the banks should keep out of it. They do enough damage. Thanks! @journeyfreedom

It is creating a huge gap in classes in america.

What a pistol fire? @bigram

What a complicated issue. For me it all comes down to the question of what are those in power to do when the behavior of people is hurting themselves and others? We have had this debate with cigarettes, certain types of food and now social media. In a relatively free market economy like America what is supposed to happen is that the economy will will self-heal and push out the bad or undesirable on its own. But what happens when marketing and fear come into play and the population thinks that it cannot do without the thing that is causing problems? To me the most interesting thing about guns is the fact that many people will purchase several in their lifetimes and never use them for any other purpose except to go to the range and shoot. I understand the being prepared argument but would anyone purchase life insurance if no one died? America's problem is not guns, it is that the country has a gun culture and this leads to good people and criminals always thinking of a gun first. So here we are and guns are everywhere. At last count 310,000,000 for 350,000,000 citizens and mass shootings in offices, warehouses, schools or churches literally happening every week. The country finds itself impotent to stop it because even the slightest hint of common sense legislation is rejected by the gun manufacturers. So the responses about guns gets more and more extreme and this is to be expected. At some point someone will launch a lawsuit against a credit card company for providing the credit for a mass shooter to purchase a large amount of firearms. And because juries are getting mroe and mroe sympathetic to shooting victims, that credit card company will lose the case. This was how cigarette manufacturers saw the tide turn against them. Lawyer went after retailers in addition to the tobacco companies. So companies like Visa have a need for concern because the tide in America seems to be turning and they need to be ahead of the curve. Do I think that this is going to erode personal freedoms. No, this changes nothing that is already in place. Again look at cigarettes. this was the same argument. For me the overriding issue is that in 2018 in the greatest country int he world it is insane that there are not commons sense gun laws and even crazier that politicians are not making this their most important issues. Especially those supported by the gun lobbies. What comes after something like this in the article will be discussions about gun bans unless something is done. Thanks

Yes, the reversal of the financial system in the direction of industrial production, will create the need to change the legislation. And these changes will limit the personal freedoms of citizens.
The right to own a personal weapon is America's international brand. This is proof of freedom in your country. Even if one does not pay attention to the problems within America because of control over purchases, the loss of image in the international arena can hurt all its citizens. Guys, you need to defend your right to own a personal weapon.

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