Cricket Time
Friends X1 Vs Shezee X1 5th match Shezee won the toss chose to bowl first Friends first batting only 108 targat in 15 over outstanding and brilliant batting by Syed Haider NaQvi 50(22)balls just Shezee X1 not chased by small total and all out on 57 runs Friends X1 win by 50 runs outstanding and awsome and superb bowling by Shakeel Raza Nouman Shahzaib Khan And Tamii Ch amazing Field by all young boys specially Ali shah man of the match by Nouman and Ali shah And Zahid Gogi sponsor by shairt with Ali shah unbalivebale match Yahooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AY E FRIENDS X1 TAK ZARA !!!!!! Friends X1 lead by (3-2) !!!!!!!![FB_IMG_1522003089630.jpg]