Does God exist? Scientific Cosmological Argument

in #life7 years ago

Does God really exist and can we actually reasonably prove that God exist?

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Hi there! Hope you enjoyed our short video. Just want to let you know that God loves you. You are special and created with a wonderful purpose for life.

God bless you!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

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Cosmological argument is a fallacy. I don't accept the first premise and this is not like beliving in magic because first you have to prove that everything has a cause and since you can't prove that universe has a cause because you can't also prove that everything has a cause. One more thing about magic. You are saying that appealing to the supernatural is no explenation so you are denying yourself

Great rebuttal.

Well in order to go against the first premise and have validity in this rebuttal you'd have to go against Albert Einstein and his theory of General Relativity. Which assumes an expanding and/or contracting universe. I'm going with a held theory. The universe is expanding, which proves all the other points. Thanks for watching! God bless you

🤔 Check mate!

As long as you go by the scientific method, science always proves God.
People may ask "If God created all things, the who created God"?
And the answer is simple... All Knowledge and all wisdom demanded the need for God to exist to make order out of disorder.

True science, that goes by the scientific method, disproves the space vacuum theory because it discards the scientific method in order to establish counterfeit beliefs.
According to the scientific method, stars could never exist in the vacuum of space, its never been proven in that manner experimentally so it is a false theory.
According to the scientific method, the only ways stars have ever been recreated repeated and proven is through the process of "sonoluminescence". That is when sound passes through water and creates lights.
That perfectly falls in line with the knowledge we received through the Word of God, where God said let there be light, and there was light. The world view established through His Word is geocentric, stationary, flat, space is water, and there's a crystalline dome that separates those waters from above from our atmosphere.
All of that is proven by true science that holds to the scientific method... Unlike todays science fiction which relies upon false theories and false laws like gravity, and heliocentrism.

Modern science is nothing more than revamped mythology. All who believe in it have accepted the belief in pagan false gods, because the pagan greek false god worshiping philosophers who created that world view, built it around their form of worship.

You cant believe in God the Father Creator of all things seen and unseen, and believe in the heliocentric globe earth idea. It is a false world view that causes you to be without God. 2 Thessalonians refers to it as the strong delusion.

God our creator is the greatest and most wonderful thing that I have in my life, I trust in him.

Yes he is @entertainment123 ! God bless you

Absolutely. Jesus is God. The infinite almighty God and Creator King of the Universe.

Baruch attah Adonai Eloheinu Malech ha Olam.

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ, מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם...‬

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha`olam...

"Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe..."

Shabbat Shalom

Just apply the same argument to God... what caused God?

If you say God didn't need a cause, then we may as well skip the step and say the universe didn't need a cause.

It's already been proven that the universe has had a cause.

There's no accepted cause for the Big Bang. Also, in science you don't "prove" things. Carl Sagan put it very simply and elegantly.

And God is infinite. The Alpha and the Omega. He is causeless.

No scientific evidence for such a claim.

Well technically, if you believe in Einstein's theory of General Relativity, you agree that the universe is expanding or contracting. If it's expanding or contracting, that means it's not static and therefore has a point of beginning (ie: has a cause) That cause is God.

Not really, you are making an inference devoid of evidence. At best that's evidence for the Big Bang, but not for what caused the Big Bang. We don't even know if the Big Bang was the beginning, it's just the earliest we have some kind of model for.

You don't believe in Einstein's theory of General Relativity? Because if you don't accept that as a logical basis of this argument, there's no other logical way to go. You keep pivoting to the Big Bang, I'm not even talking about the Big Bang. I'm talking about the evidence of universal expansion, which is clear in all fields of science. So with that in place, the argument still stands. And you can't even come close to debunking it unless you debunk Albert Einstein. Which I'm sure you're not going to do anytime soon. So take care and God bless.

All the wisdom and knowledge in the universe demanded the existence of God.
He came out of knowledge and wisdom to cause order out of disorder.

He then created all things separating evil from good, purging all evil from Himself and becoming pure Love.
He made a place for all things good (heaven), He made a place for all things evil (hell), and he made a place where all things go to decide where they want to be for eternity (earth).
Here, you decide your fate, an eternity of death in hell, or an eternity of love and life with God when heaven and earth become one.

If you were 100% knowledge, it is only natural and wise that you would purge everything out of you that is unnecessary out of you. Evil causes death, good causes life, and God made a way where we can exist and become perfect through faith in His Son the Christ.
God created spiritual laws to cause order in the heavens and all things must obey those laws, what ever does not it cast away for eternity.

God does exist. I dont know how to argue much. But i beleive in God and Miracles.

As long as you go by the scientific method, science always proves God.
People may ask "If God created all things, then who created God"?
And the answer is simple... All Knowledge and all wisdom demanded the need for God to exist to make order out of disorder.

True science, that goes by the scientific method, disproves the space vacuum theory because it discards the scientific method in order to establish counterfeit beliefs.
According to the scientific method, stars could never exist in the vacuum of space, its never been proven in that manner experimentally so it is a false theory.
According to the scientific method, the only ways stars have ever been recreated repeated and proven is through the process of "sonoluminescence". That is when sound passes through water and creates lights.
That perfectly falls in line with the knowledge we received through the Word of God, where God said let there be light, and there was light. The world view established through His Word is geocentric, stationary, flat, space is water, and there's a crystalline dome that separates those waters from above from our atmosphere.
All of that is proven by true science that holds to the scientific method... Unlike todays science fiction which relies upon false theories and false laws like gravity, and heliocentrism.

Modern science is nothing more than revamped mythology. All who believe in it have accepted the belief in pagan false gods, because the pagan greek false god worshiping philosophers who created that world view, built it around their form of worship.

You cant believe in God the Father Creator of all things seen and unseen, and believe in the heliocentric globe earth idea. It is a false world view that causes you to be without God. 2 Thessalonians refers to it as the strong delusion.

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