Lucid Dreaming Explained - And a Unknown Secret! 😴

in #life7 years ago


Yesterday I made a post about Sleeping
You can check that out here:

And how it is similar to us functioning as a car, we need fuel which we draw from the non-physical realms in order to function within this world that is really dense, because any being residing in a powerless dense zone for too long will actually disintegrate as a result, since it's not your natural state.

Lucid Dreaming has its own role to play in the development of a spiritual person.
When you begin to investigate the concept of Dreams and wanna know more about it eventually you will begin to receive signs and visions in your dreams to unlock.

For some, they unlock this early on and as a result, they will be able to perform lucid dreaming more often than someone who has no idea what it means. So we spoke about the fact that Sleep is basically you dying, so that it gives you a window an opening to receive more higher energies so that your body remains in a state of functionality rather than breaking down.

Of course, you can't really die since death is an illusion and scientists are figuring this out and there already is scientific proof that something happens when you pass-away and leave the body behind.

During Lucid Dreaming, however, it's a really fun and exciting experience.
What happens is your Physical Consciousness "refuels" during the night entering into a higher state of a dream which can be called the Astral Plane, Within this plane, your consciousness is mostly fuzzy because your physical mind doesn't understand the language that is used within the Astral Plane which is mostly Symbolic Language.

But if your Physical mind somehow is able to read those signs and symbols you will be jump started, and what begins to happen is Your Physical Consciousness and your Higher Consciousness Instantly merge for a brief period of time in which you become absolutely aware of the dream and you can shape, create, destroy, build, undo, love anything you want to do! There is no limit within the Lucid Dream.

So when that happens what I assume most will do because they instantly can do anything and everything they want to, is either fly or well sex, This was one of the first things I did and I'm not ashamed for saying that at all, and to be honest it is probably the best sex I ever had, no physical experience can compare to it but that's just my opinion about it.

Flying is fun as well for it increases the feeling of power which is what the Higher Consciousness is based on and so the duration of the Lucid Dream gets extended by that sensation.

But something that is rarely known about the Lucid Dreaming experience is that this is the State that you enter before being born within a physical body, the truth is that you absolutely know from a Timeless perspective how your life will unfold, so you always know whats gonna happen before you enter the physical realm.

As a result of that, you understand that you have to agree to the things happening before being able to align to the body that is gonna be yours, this may sound very technical and difficult to comprehend, but on those levels, it is really easy. I remember flying above the earth and as soon as I was born, I flew into that body at the speed of light, it was as if you are being sucked up into it.

So this is gonna be another mystery for science to understand but there is absolutely no life in the baby body until the baby is born, whats actually happening is the lifeless body is copying and taking on patterns of the mother's body so that when the personality of a soul enters it, it doesn't have to do a lot of work to learn it all. But we are getting a little off track here but that's basically what is happening.

What many don't know is that within Lucid Dreaming before you are born, you set up what is known as a Blueprint that your life is gonna unfold into. So in that sense, you do and you don't have free will at the same time because the result will always be the same because you know what the ending is gonna be. But within that period of time are the pathways and it gives the physical mind the idea that it has free will in order to gain different experiences and expand as a result of that.

And so this blueprint determines how your life goes for the most part since you do have a say in it to an extent. But if you were to go Lucid in the Dream and think about the (Template Level Reality) which is slightly above the Astral Plane you will find yourself within a space in which you can fully adjust your life path.

But do remember there is a reason why your life is going the way it's going at this time, so changing anything for that matter will be permanent until you are able to go back into Lucid Dreaming and do it all again.

Now personally I'm trying to get to this level for my own reason and this is something you as well may be interested in and that is when I get to the Template Level Reality, rather than changing the way my life can go, I'm gonna change it in such a way that I'm always in a lucid state so that I can go in and out of physical reality at will, and bring to me what I need when I need it.

What this means is that I would be able to manifest things within the Lucid State and drag them back into Physical reality also called instant manifestation. This would also mean i would no longer need sleep to maintain my physical body so it can bring massive benefits to your life. But if you ever do have a Lucid Dream and decide to change anything well I wouldn't go as far as my goal is because you may not be ready for it. But its your life and so you are the boss ;)

This is something not many know and it's for good reasons.
So use it wisely!

(Last year I backed a project on Kickstarter and it was called the iBand, it looked very promising and I always wanted to have regular lucid dreaming experiences, so I hope that by the end of this year they are able to complete it all and start shipments so that I could make an awesome review of their product)

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YES i do this all the time -- i have to say sometimes the dreams are a little disturbing because they are still not real. I often find im suddenly in a situation, but i can make conscious decisions about how to react or behave in that situation and then the dream evolves

Oh nice :) Well that means you aren't in full lucidity because once you are, you will know!
but not many can do it consistently like you describe to be in semi lucidity so good on ya ;)

I´ve had a couple, maybe three lucid dreams in my life. I would love to have more. Do you have any recommendation as to increase de chances of having lucid dreams?

@gregario as I said above

"a Technique to sorta "force" Lucid Dreaming would be Before going to bed write a mark on your hand something that is washable but clearly visible, and when you dream trying to look at your hands and noticing the marks either being gone or being there, the key point is the mark symbolises for you, that when you see it you are Dreaming! And this can instantly trigger you into a Lucid Dream."

This has a lot of possibility to trigger one. :)

Great. I´ll give it a try. I´ll let you know if I succeed.

keep being consistent man! I love your style of writing! As a little advice you can arrange a little bit the text to be easier to be read

I'll work on it! thanks for sharing @jwolf :)


Do you have a favorite book or technique on this subject?

To be honest I never read any books :P
I'm not the kind of person that can sit still reading an entire book.

a Technique to sorta "force" Lucid Dreaming would be Before going to bed write a mark on your hand something that is washable but clearly visible, and when you dream trying to look at your hands and noticing the marks either being gone or being there, the key point is the mark symbolises for you, that when you see it you are Dreaming! And this can instantly trigger you into a Lucid Dream.

This is really interesting, I thought it was a bit weird to be interested in dreams. I would love to see how the tech you backed is doing and how effective it is. I put up two of my lucid dream entries from my journal here on steemit, It was at a time I was curious about the personal history of dream characters, Secret Life Of Dream Characters and A Crazy Dream Experiment.
Here is my favourite technique, Go to bed and wake up around 4am, get up for like 30mins and do a few things then go back to bed. The trigger is usually automatic.
Hope to read more of your related writings

This post got a 1.55 % upvote thanks to @beyondthecrypto - Hail Eris !

You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!!

@beyondthecrypto Hello!! I fell upon your article "Lucid Dreaming Explained - And a Unknown Secret!" a while ago, and I was especially attracted by the mention of the Template Level Reality. I am interested in Bashar and I saw his videos regarding lucid dreams and how you can visit this Template Level Reality to rearrange life themes and also manifest things in the waking life.

Unfortunately, I am having a bit of trouble initiating a real lucid dream. I always remember my dreams when I wake up, and I typically can recall 5 or 6 dreams in the morning. I am trying to follow your tips on how to lucid dream, so hopefully I will be able to have one really soon. The frustrating thing is that I guess my mind "understands" that I want to lucid dream, so I have dreams ABOUT being in a lucid dream (it's quite annoying because I don't realize that I am dreaming--I wish I could initiate a DILD, but I guess I am just not built to do that) :(

Aside from my lucid dreaming struggles, I just wanted to ask: were you ever able to enter the Template Level Reality in your lucid dream? I think some people have said that it is difficult for them to enter it in their dream. I would love to know more about the Template Level Reality, and if you were able to enter it, because I really want to explore the wonders of the subconscious mind, and how we are able to use our own power to manifest things we want (whether it be physical changes, a job opportunity, etc).

My biggest question is: Is the Template Level Reality real? Can I really visit it in a lucid dream and change my DNA and my life? I would truly truly appreciate your guidance and opinion.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I am excitingly awaiting your response!

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