People who can't "hold their booze" annoy me
Recently an incident happened in Winston Salem at a wedding party where 9 people were arrested on a ton of charges, a bouncer was hospitalized, and multiple people were injured. Police intervened after a 9-1-1 call and the video show that the very drunk patrons were not at all deterred when faced with armed authorities. The women in particular were attacking, kicking and punching the police as if nothing was going to happen to them in return. One of the women was knocked out cold and the onlookers and of course people filming it for an attempt at internet fame, immediately blamed the cop. The fact of the matter was that the police were trying to break up a fight and if you hit a cop, you are going to pay the price unfortunately.

This isn't really an isolated incident. I recall when I was attending a friend's wedding many years ago when some sort of drunken dispute broke out in the ballroom that we were in. The guy getting married was in the Navy and I am not trying to say anything about people in the armed services, but this environment with all that pent up testosterone was a recipe for disaster. The police ended up getting called at that wedding party as well and I can't think of a worse way to ruin someone else's memory of their wedding than by getting involved in a brawl at it.
The people in the video, which I can't find on it's own anywhere but a link to the original news story where they have the video is here if you want to see it, were extremely out of control and they look particularly silly because they are dressed in tuxes and evening gowns during the fracas.
I don't know any of the details of this particular brawl, but apparently it started inside with glasses and chairs being thrown and multiple people getting seriously injured. When the police turned up, more people got injured.
I don't have a great deal of respect for people that can't handle their booze. I have never been that way even though of course there have been times in my life where I have had way too much to drink. I am a happy drunk. I might get a little bit louder than I normally would during these times but I've never started a physical fight with anyone while drinking. I think fighting is really stupid and the most stupid place that you can possibly get into one of these is at a bar. This isn't the wild west.
I don't drink to excess very often anymore but I do have a few almost every day of the week at the Elks Lodge. The Elks Lodge has a zero tolerance policy towards bar fights. This is a members only club, and if you start a physical fight at an Elks anywhere in the world, you will be permanently banned for ever entering any of them ever again. There of course is a trial of sorts because there is always the chance that someone is an innocent bystander. But if you ever threw a glass or a chair at someone, it is pretty clear who the guilty party is and from that point forward, you will no longer be welcome there ever again. Perhaps this is part of the reason why there is never any violence at the Elks.
I've seen people get overly emotional at a bar because of having had too much to drink and this is also a rather embarrassing situation to witness or be involved in. I understand that people are sad.... I'm sad about things as well, but the bar after you have had 15 drinks is not the place to vent this frustration.
There are certain people in the world that understand this, and certain ones that don't. Most people are able to handle their booze and I am happy to say that I am one of them.
The people in the story I mentioned above are going to be in a lot of trouble and I would be seriously pissed off at them if it was my wedding party that it happened at because now that is going to be the thing that people remember about that wedding and not what the day was actually meant to be about.
Get control of yourselves people!