Focus on Others to Feel Better Within

in #life6 years ago


Focus on Others to Feel Better Within


Many times we can be guilty of focusing mostly on our troubles and worries. It can become an effort to do the everyday things like washing dishes, mowing the lawn, feeding the kids a decent meal. Discover 5 tips to get back on track emotionally.


Most times, we selfishly drown ourselves in our worries and troubles. Then it becomes so difficult to go through each day’s activities like giving your children a nutritious meal, washing the dishes and taking care of the lawn. Are you in a similar situation? Is there anything you feel you can do to find a way out of it? Is it possible to get out of this situation and make a difference still?

One of the dependable ways to think less about your troubles; talk less of letting them weigh you down is by thinking less about yourself then paying more attention to the needs of other people. There are a number of people out there who do not receive kind acts and thoughtful treatments often, there are those who need to be reassured that they matter to someone, there are a lot out there who needs to be reassured someone cares. Reach out to these ones and make a difference! This will help lift your spirit every time.

The moment you make up your mind to focus on others, there are five tips below you might want to consider. The motivational tips are gotten from the 101 Ways to Change the World e-book.

  1. Everybody, yourself inclusive needs friendship.
    Always find time to spend with lonely people – do that often.
    Send notes to these lonely ones.
    Drop by to say hi to these ones regularly.
    Be a supportive rest for at least one lonely person.

  2. Search out for one child that needs to be reassured he matters there are very many of them though.
    On a weekly basis at least, send a note or card to that child.
    Make it your aim to let the child know you believe he’s special.
    Send him stories that will build in him self-confidence and will motivate him to become whatever he wants to become.
    Send him articles that discusses he things he’s interested in if you know what they are.
    Most importantly, let the child know that you care. Think of how much you caring and loving attention will mean for a child who doesn’t receive hugs, gifts or kind acts often.

  3. Share with others whatever you have in your garden, vegetables or flowers.
    Take some vegetables or flowers to an elderly neighbor who does not have the strength to maintain a garden anymore.
    Drop by to say hi to this elderly person often.
    You can as well take this elderly person to visit another friend going through a difficult situation.

  4. Become a pen pal to someone over the email, sending out emails on a daily basis is quite easy and some of the people you can email are:
    A person living in a nursing home.
    A detained child.
    A foster kid.
    Someone confined to his house because he can’t leave.
    A child living in an orphanage home.

  5. Attach some gift certificates to notes or cards, then visit your local:
    Skating arena
    Bowling alley
    Amusement parks, and so on.
    Ask for free coupons that could be shared with children that need to be reassured that they are cared about.

Most of the bad things happening around us are perpetrated by those that feel they do not matter. And this is so because these ones never received any acts of kindness from others. A single act of kindness from you could change an individual sadness and anger to love, thus having a lasting effect on him.

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I absolutely love the image you have picked up for this article. It fits perfectly with the title, and I totally agree with your words.

We need to teach ourselves the value of empathy and compassion for others and let others become a part of our lives instead of always being selfishly thinking about ourselves.

Great blog again @be-a-better-you! Really well-written.

Thanks my friend. Very motivating reply!

Well friend I liked your theme Congratulations

Hey Cokra, thanks for your reply. I enjoy your feedback.

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