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RE: Meaningful Insights in Unlikely Places

in #life5 years ago

Oh, a particular man that I love from the heart? I don't know in what sense you use the word love. I love everyone equally, though I like some people more, feel connected to some people more, or feel greater responsibility toward certain people. I cried when I thought my father had died (luckily he didn't). I did not cry when George Bush Sr. died. Is this the distinction you're making?

There is no once and for all, that is correct; but there is an overall general circumstance (the sum qualitative trend of all momentary experiences). Right now, that circumstance is slavery. It is possible for that circumstance to be cooperation in service to mutual uplift.

Wanting others to stop raping, pillaging and murdering is a useless wish? Perhaps, if it is only a wish; but I am actively trying to persuade people to recognize the error that inspires these actions (in particular, to stop good people from committing evil-by-proxy by supporting immoral actors). I'm passing along knowledge. I think that's fundamental to humanity's cooperative effort toward creating a better world.

Of course there is such a thing as man's true nature. It is the most basic common denominators between all humans: free will, an adaptable mind, etc. That doesn't mean we're the same in every way, but surely we can say something about every man (he needs oxygen to continue living, for instance). And yes, I claim to know this until someone can demonstrate how it is other than I have described. I've yet to hear it.

Good and evil have nothing to do with it. These are qualifications that describe actions, not people. Colloquially we may say someone is an evil person, but this is not literal. We only mean that he routinely commits evil acts and shows no signs of stopping.

To stone someone is to murder them while they stand defenseless and inactive - it is punishment, not defense, not ridicule, not education. I do not advocate punishment. I do advocate a certain amount of scorn for harmful actions. Words and their related ideas are hugely important, but emotion speaks to people more clearly. Love is best, but it is not always perceived as authentic in the short-term (especially by the self-loathing, who do not believe they can be loved), and so does not have the intended effect. Scorn is doubted by no one, and is heard loud and clear. There is a place for righteous indignation; though only as a subordinate, short-term tactic in service to Love.

Personally, I have been struggling less over the last few days. I have been working to gain emotional poise, and this has not been in vain. I am calmer now - as a general state - than I was a week ago. Energy flows where attention goes, and I have included more spiritual study into my daily endeavors.

Your efforts were certainly part of this process. I recognize the truth of your overall message here - that anger and resentment does not define the path to uplift and progress. That Love is always in order. That personal moment-to-moment experience is important (all there is, really). So do not feel you've wasted your time. Just because I have an answer for everything doesn't mean I don't hear you ;)


I perceive this "general talk" as avoidance to talk in personal terms.
We cannot be in an authentic contact when you talk in general to me. I ask you personal questions, you answer me in general. If this open space is not the right place, I can accept that. No problem. But since I read and am confronted about general slavery and evil so much in the rest of the media as well as in talks within social circles I hardly can bear it within personal conversations.

I'd rather hear about where you were successful in creating cooperation and what the outcome was. I need best practice and good examples, to broadcast them and to tell them my people. I recently asked about minor initiatives of people from Venezuela, how street communities can be built in order to prevent the next power shortage and knowledge about filtering water. So far I was given more complains. But maybe the inspiration kicked and was worth something from which I will not know.

I am not this type of person. When I can help I help. When I cannot help, I accept that I can't. Or at least this is the philosophy I try to establish.

Sorry, I was not responding to the details you but I am a bit overwhelmed.

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