Simple Tips to Enjoy the ride and not feel you got taken on one ....

in #life7 years ago

Regardless if we like it or not, life and Steemit are not always "fair". There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes so if you are constantly comparing yourself to others then the journey can be one of just bitter realizations that some things are rather rigged and not everyone is going to hit their stride on here.


Some Realizations and Tips to Soldier On and Not Let the Bastards Grind You Down...
Trolls happen, this has been true on every platform I've ever used and Steem is no exception. Feeding them or bantering a bit back and forth if it is relatively harmless is up to you. Personally, I either ignore or say something back to perhaps remind them that being a douche nozzle is their problem not mine. Don't expect people to rush to your aid, standing on your own two feet able to hold your own is an admirable trait on here.

Try not to feel discouraged or buy the hype that everyone's wallet is the whole story...
Not everyone shows their hand on here and many who do well pay it forward A LOT. I've personally chosen to lay off using most bots as they really haven't added all that much to my posts personally. I upvote my posts as a bit of a countermeasure to bot users and if I use other forums like BB or Zappl then there is an additional amount that is taken out of your earnings. Some people I know who use bots and self upvote (not talking for thousands of bucks btw), are out there starting initiatives and do quite a bit of donations and "pay it forward" work. Someone's wallet can say 3 dollars and they actually just have it somewhere else or invested differently, as they wish to remain a bit private on a platform where you can look up some financial stats.
This is YOUR Blog and YOUR Stake, Period! Do not be surprised of some trying rather heavy tactics on how they feel you should write or spend your money or what you should spend it on. Newsflash, this is your ride and nobody elses. If someone is full of brilliant ideas all the time with little to no follow through and clog your dm's with a scorecard of what they did for you 2 months ago or how you should loan them money then empower yourself. That is Your call, not anyone elses. You can not please everyone and doing so tends to eventually make you look like a fairweather steemian and people really tend to pay heed to those who magically come in to do tons of posts everyday when SBD's are up.
Taking Breaks is okay in my opinion (for what that is worth ;) )... If drama or pressure to be "on call" for the 10th podcast of the day is unpleasant then it is perfectly fine to say the magical word, NO. The vast majority of people will either relate or understand that not all of us are on here 20 hours a day nor do we want to be. If you can find your Vibe Tribe and perhaps a person or group on Discord that can help mentor you and show some of the do's and don'ts of a place with "Incentivized Kindness".

Navigate how you want to and Adjust your Sails Accordingly...for more musings and mental droppings follow,upvote, comment @battleaxe
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Thanks for that - good thoughts! The self-upvote thing is something I wish were discussed more often, more openly. I know one of my "mentors" says No self upvote. Period. OK, I tried that. I am starting to stand on my own feet a bit... But where is that magic cut-off? I did NOT buy in, I had ZERO vote power for a long, long time. It was 2+ months before I had a post break $1, and I still rarely break $2. At this point, there is a silly challenge I am in that I am "winning" because I have the most votes, so I will be responsible to pay a charity $1. (No problem with that, I am illustrating a point here.) The other 2 people in the challenge both made over $2 on their post, I have not made $1. I got more votes, but they all were worth few pennies. The other two only got a couple votes, but people gave them 100%. If I do not upvote my post before it pays out, I will LOSE money. I don't mind taking a little loss for charity but I cannot afford to keep doing that, so which is the "right" answer? Upvote myself so I at least break even and am willing to continue the challenge? Or not upvote myself because that big 30 cent vote of mine is just draining the reward pool... and then drop out of the challenge because I can't just keep losing money on it?
Hmm... apparently I had a rant in me wanting out... thanks for springing the trap door lol!

the ones abusing the reward pool tend to be known, my whopping upvotes also help fund my life as I have bills and also contests where people have fun and can win sbd''s not for me to judge and I will keep some opinions to myself but it is your stake, that being said I am going to go check out your blog now <3

Thank you, for the reply and blog visit!

I know I'm new but I'm already finding it hard not to get discouraged. I'll post a simple picture and it will get a few upvotes. Then I'll spend 2 hours or more on a series and not even get a view. So what is a simple upvote on my own post going to do? I know I know...persistence.

fear not @irieco, this happens to pretty much all of us, it happens to me a lot and I just realize things will 'hit' or not....persistence is key and being strong, all you need sometimes is a lucky or good break from someone who can get you into good groups that can support you

look now you are rep level one up and got an upvote from commenting on my blog ;)

Tid-bits from mental droppings yummm :D

Really, though, this is good stuff. Self-voting and even vote bots can be socially acceptable if used in moderation. I hope you are not displeased with me when I sent a bot your way, Miss Battle-Axey :'-( I had the best intentions! ;)

everything in moderation including moderation

I can't help but hear music in my head. Yes We are family. And you are right Its your thing, do what you wanna do. I tired of the rules and the way things are supposed to be. I am one with the force, and the force is one with me. I am a grown man. I know the difference between whats right and wrong. People like us are going to help others out, but sometimes we have to help ourselves out too. When we are out there spreading the love we have to save some love for ourselves

I feel like I say this a lot when I comment on your posts, but I can't help but agree. We are all here to do what we can with however we are motivated and really should not feel OBLIGATED to make their blog or how they invest their stake here or anything. I also fully agree with breaks, I think we all need them. The same goes with how we use our time. Some may only see a sliver of what you are doing with your time, let a lone why should you have to explain it to them? Again, insight dropped by you. Love it!

thanks for really taking the time to read and follow my work, I do my best to return the favor and am always just a dm away ;)
and your show rocks, wish I had a link for it, if you do...feel free to drop it on this post :)

Great thoughts
I particularly agree with the perceived pressure to be on for a certain amount per day and expectations of others to do this or that within any given period

As you so rightly say “This is YOUR Blog and Your STAKE”
Do as you want with it, that the way I am I am to old to let pressure get to me LOL

As for Bots I personally choose not to use them, but for others it works for them and again its their blog they can do as they wish


thanks for swinging by....exactly, I agree with basically all you said
let the people decide what is or is not generally accepted, forcing or trying to force anything usually accomplishes little, education and handling your own biz is better received by some

Yes i think were both very much in synch on our thoughts i this regard

I've never looked at there being a clear right/wrong way to go about it when it comes to specific actions. Many people are very generous here, and even if someone is not generous, that is okay. We can all agree it is easy to tell when someone is abusive though.

nicely stated :)

Vibe tribes and mentors are good. I like that.

Was expecting a raging post... was pleasantly surprised heads weren't rolling this time.

Self Vote is Love, Self Vote is Life... always do it in my posts... always will :D

Thought this post was pretty splendiferous
so it has been included in
the latest issue of 'Notes'.
Pop over and see what the fam is up to!

thanks , just saw this here

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