Building Trust and Establishing Credibility
There are many ways to build trust and establish credibility. These principles include Communication, Transparency and Credibility. Developing trust requires a certain level of commitment. The sooner you build trust, the more likely it will be that you will be trusted. These are just a few of the most important factors in developing trust. Ultimately, building trust is about establishing credibility in your business or personal relationships. Once you've established trust, you can focus on fostering loyalty.
Developing trust in the workplace requires both personal and team effort, and the most effective communication will foster that environment. According to Jodi Macpherson, a communications expert with Mercer Inc., effective communication creates an atmosphere of trust around leaders, enabling them to lead well, engage employees, and deliver results. Communication serves as a messenger as well as leadership development for senior managers. So, how can you increase trust in your organization?
When communicating with employees, consider incorporating more meaningful elements, such as authentic, sincere, and honest information into the conversation. When people trust leaders and their company, they will feel valued and included. A strong leader is a role model for employees, and emotional intelligence will help them set the example. Ultimately, this is a win-win situation. When communication is effective, it will lead to greater trust, productivity, and profits.
Being honest builds trust between people. It's important to be truthful when talking to people, and that includes your co-workers. People want to know if you're being totally honest with them. Indirect honesty can be devastating. It's better to be blunt about your shortcomings and your flaws than to pretend that you know everything. But, if you're being dishonest with people you work with, they'll have a hard time trusting you.
In the workplace, honesty fosters self-accountability and responsibility. A recent Business Week article by Jayme Check describes how a new CEO took responsibility for remaking an unsuccessful company. The new CEO publicly voiced the flaws in the performance of the company, and committed to change what didn't work. In this way, he empowered his employees to fix problems. This re-evaluation of a company can foster trust, which will ultimately result in a more productive workforce.
The importance of transparency cannot be underestimated. When it comes to building trust, managers must not hide anything from their employees. Unfortunately, too many corporate cultures encourage executives to tell only what they want to hear. It is also crucial that managers keep their word - they cannot promise something and then fall short of the promise. Employees pay close attention to what managers say and do and will not give you their trust if you are not transparent.
The impact of government transparency on public trust is largely dependent on the historical performance of similar measures, the perception of authorities and the type of epidemic that has affected the community. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has provided an example of the effects of transparency and accountability on public trust. The researchers were able to measure the level of trust by using four survey questions. They surveyed more than 9,000 people aged between 20 and 60 years old. Most of the respondents were female, over 60% of whom were university students. The study included over 9,000 people with high levels of education and were mostly white.
When it comes to building trust, credibility is the cornerstone. In fact, Covey describes four principles that build credibility: integrity, capability, intent, and results. These four core principles help people build credibility because they demonstrate honesty and integrity. To build credibility, people should consistently act in a fair and consistent manner, and they should have good intentions toward others. Once a person has established credibility, it's easier for others to trust and respect them.
People follow leaders with credibility, and you can build yours by demonstrating the qualities of a trustworthy person. The Oxford English Dictionary defines credibility as "being believed or trusted". To earn credibility, you should be transparent about your intentions, actions, and results. As a leader, you should be authentic and trustworthy in all your communications, and hold yourself accountable for mistakes. This will build trust and earn your followers' respect. In addition, you should never lie, and if you do, you should take responsibility for them.