RE: The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: The Art of Self-Sabotage
What's The Point
It that pictures fault. i was unable to really concentrate enough to actually look closely at the other pictures. S a really really good title for the title piece.
Now you may ask why? Why was I unable to concentrate on seeing the other pictures? You will be surprised, or maybe not being you, but the reason is very simple, most of your work has a slightly dark or funny connotation to me, not What's The Point picture. It shouted at me as no other picture I have seen from an artist mind on steemit of Happiness.
After seeing all that happiness blast into my brain, I was unable to concentrate on the other images. I was also unable to really significantly look at and view all of What's The Point. that first purplish looking over the top happy face just stuck, I could not look beyond it, yet.
A wonderful image, and I would go so far as to say one of your most unique ones I have seen thus far.
That one has the word happy encoded within. The easiest letter to make out is the 'y' but the tail is on the opposite side.
I guess that I am subject, like a lot of people, to subliminal messaging.