3 Years Ago Today My Friend Laura Arenburg Passed Away. | Give your friends and family a hug, take care of your health and each other.

in #life7 years ago

A life taken too soon.

My Fascistbook memories came up today and this is what I wrote back then:

Sad to report we lost another friend today, someone we went to school with - passed at 42 yrs. of age. We went to Provincial Championships together twice. Prayers for her family and 2 little kids, RIP Laura Arenburg

I ran track and cross country at a pretty high level, and both her and her sister Jane were just incredible athletes.

I think of Laura's 2 little kids quite often and wonder how they are doing.

I really hope the best for them.

Laura had a whole wall of her place dedicated to putting up things her kids had made in and out of school, I read many of them and it makes me smile still.


Our time is so short , we allways forget that , I do I know ,

sorry for your lose! got to live every day as if it was your last because you never know when that day will come!


It nearly ended for me 2 yrs ago when I was run over by a car whose driver was clearly not paying attention. My life has been changed.

It is never easy to lose someone that we went to school with or had a bond with, we just honor their memory and move on.

Thanks for stopping in again friend.

That's painful. What a great love. Rest on Laura.

Thanks for the kind words today.

You are welcome

Sorry for your loss.

Thanks buddy.

I appreciate that.

Jeezus. RIP.

Makes ya glad to be still alive, and count the blessings.

You should have seen those 2 girls run. Jane's Sr. girl team won all Ontarios one year when all 6 of our school teams went (or was it 5 that year?) -- her team of the 5 girls and their sub runners I think broke like every record in Ontariostan that year.

Laura got a scholarship to Div. 1 school in the USSA / Texas A&M.

Those girls were all something else.

@barrydutton That's very sad, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thanks my friend.

I think of her all the time.

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