If you could have a super power what would it be? The Power to see the future of bitcoin?

in #life7 years ago

This is a question we always bring up when trying to kill time at work. My personal choice is telekinesis. Because you could use it to move anything including yourself. So who needs super strength if you can lift things with your mind. You could use it to build things. Make snack while sitting on the couch. The Achilles heal I fear would be that your body becomes so weak from never using your muscles that it would become vulnerable.

Or you could have the power to see into the future and predict the price of all the crypto coins. You could write the most up voted Steemit post of all time! You could use it to post the news on Steemit before it happens, and make Steemit the premiere source for information. You could let everyone know that Bitcoin will hit 30k in the year 2020 so buy now! Would you tell everyone or just your friends? Would anyone believe you? Would use use your power for good or for evil?

What would you pick? Leave it in the comments

A few suggestions.
the power to see the future
super strength
x ray vision
super speed
breathing under water
control of an element. earth, wind, fire, water
super hearing
super intelegence
self healing
healing others
The power to stare at a plate and food appear's on it



I believe that a superpower would be determined intrinsically. Which super power are you?

Mine is definitely telepathy. Telekinetic powers are so solid too. Who are you, and which super power reflects you?

My choice, may be....hmm.. I would want the power of life and death. I can heal, but I can also decay. It is a scary power that must be understood from a young age, or havoc could come with it. The controller of heaven and hell on earth.

Perhaps it is a bit prosaic, but I would have to choose the power of flight. While it may not be the most useful, or even the most amazing superpower, to me it represents the ultimate expression of freedom.

my wife mimics your sentiments entirely.

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