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RE: Hominid Evolution

in #life5 years ago (edited)

The sterilization of man is a calculated plan. By prescribing all women birth control (whether the need or or not), it is released into the water supply. Our tertiary water treatment facilities have no way of filtering women hormones from the drinking water. Effecting everyone but drastically killing off testosterone in men. I have enjoyed living at a time where humanity is at its weakest. I had my pick of mates, got every job I wanted, and retired at age 30. The men of today quit at the first difficulty and shrug any challenge or responsibility. I will raise my son and two daughters to do the same as me and not be weak degenerates. When you look at population ecology you can see the 50/500 rule. Populations under 50 are ruined by inbreeding and populations over 500 are ruined by outbreeding. Over 500 and your population loses the ability to adapt quickly and are easily wiped out when something nasty comes along


Yeah men, but as you said here

The men of today quit at the first difficulty and shrug any challenge or responsibility. I will raise my son and two daughters to do the same as me and not be weak degenerates.

This is perhaps more a psychological problem then caused by testosteron lack.

I definitly agree with you, that this is in general a softer generation, but "fighter personalities" are still there.

can I somehow filter my own water?

Plastic is a primary source of pseudoestrogens. All those water bottles that advertise they are BPA free? They almost all contain - and ooze - chemicals as bad and worse than BPA. Our water lines are made of plastic. Our food is wrapped in plastic. We cook on plastic coated pans, stir the food with plastic spatulas, and eat and drink from plastic utensils. Our homes are comprised and glued together from pseudoestrogen oozing chemicals. That new car smell is almost pure castration, the scent of sublimating plastics from all the interior parts of the car.

Any filtering system needs to be in our mouth, and may need to prevent chemicals from simply oozing through our skin, as well as our lungs and stomach.

It is critically important that we do find a way to prevent pseudoestrogens from acting in our bodies to reduce testosterone, and a water filter isn't going to do that.

Either we protect our sexual behaviour, or we fail to preserve our humanity. Reproduction is necessary, and our reproductive ability is being eliminated to create a reproductive class of fertile men that will act like queen bees or ants, and replace the reproductive capacity of individuals not in the class. This is peak eusociality, and we are already largely eusocial, which is a tendency to sacrifice personal benefits for societal ones. Folks that exhibit this tendency most are what we would call sheeple, who have little or no interest in challenging their chosen ingroup but absorb propaganda and such social controls without question.

We are outnumbered by them, and they are wielded like rapiers by psychopaths. We mustangs will need to first protect our ability to reproduce - or we will be replaced - and then to seize the means of production that are creating the ability to provide our quality of life without being dependent on institutions.

We do that, we win, and humanity avoids becoming herds of gormless drones serving their Epsteinien gods.

Right, Phthalates, bisphenol A.

I only drink spring water, it doesn't even cost money where I live. The Germans don´t use it, they think its low prestige and dirty to get water from a spring.

but also glucose in the highly processed foods is killing free testo to castrated levels in healthy adult males.

Tried many things for performance purpose (powerlifting) Zink, Androgenic Phytohormones like Fenugreek, DAA, Ashwa to counter cortisol, D3, Melatonin + blue light filter to increase sleep quality but nothing compared to nasal Testo.

Good info on means of countering pseudoestrogens.


wie läuft das bei dir genau mit der Wasserquelle?
Bei uns stehen auf den meisten guten Wasserquellen irgendwelche Getränkefirmen..
ist nasal testo was ich denke dass es ist?

Wenn ich denke was du denkst was es ist...nein ^^ Einfach nur Testosteron als Molekül welches via Nasenspray durch die Bluthirnschranke kommt. Hat somit nur einen Effekt auf das Gehirn und nicht als Anabolikum, wird als Kickstarter für die Eigenproduktion genutzt da, die Hypophyse mit den Hoden verbunden ist. Im Sport wird es für die psychoaktiven Effekte des Testo misbraucht. Sage doch nciht nein wenn einer sowas in seiner Männerhandtasche hat.

In Wolfsburg gibts etliche Quellen die an unscheinbaren Hähnen angeschlossen sind. Sogar an der Straße. Die Italiener die mit meinem Vater zum Werk fahren haben immer Wasser geholt irgendwann haben wir es auch mal probiert. Gibt etliche Wanderwege nur um das Thema Heilquellen. Manche Wässer sind Mangan und Eisenhaltig andere sehr Calcium haltig. Muss man halt immer rotieren. Gibt auch Kneip-Becken, da pumpt man das Ding voll und kann die Beine reinstellen. Nutzt keine Sau mehr. Genau wie mit dem Obst, Menschen sind erstaunt dass es Fallobstwiesen gibt die den Bürgern offen stehen WTF...Das mit den Wasserwerken ist scheiße. Gibt ja auch leider kaum Karten was das angeht.

Wenn ich denke was du denkst was es ist...nein ^^ Einfach nur Testosteron als Molekül welches via Nasenspray durch die Bluthirnschranke kommt.

XD "einfach nur" - das war ganz genau was ich mir gedacht habe- ^^
Woher bekommt Mann denn solch Testo Moleküle?

Man bräuchte ne Karte für Quellen und Fallobstfelder :D

stimmt so eine Karte für Selbstversorger.

Testosteron Propionat in Europe only available as creme/gel for topical application on skin (which has a way worse effect-profile) but the nasal form is only approved in the USA, what we get here is mostly homebrew stuff

If plant-based stuff was not that expensive or growing was not that hard I would go for a plant based stack.

but also glucose in the highly processed foods is killing free testo to castrated levels in healthy adult males.

why glucose in processed food?
So honey etc is not bad for testo levels?

I only drink spring water, it doesn't even cost money where I live.


Glucose ingestion was associated with a 25% decrease in mean T levels (delta = -4·2 ± 0·3 nm, P < 0·0001). T levels remained suppressed at 120 min compared with baseline (13·7 ± 0·6 vs 16·5 ± 0·7 nm, P < 0·0001) and did not differ across GT or BMI. Of the 66 men with normal T levels at baseline, 10 (15%) had levels that decreased to the hypogonadal range (<9·7 nm) at one or more time points. SHBG, LH and cortisol levels were unchanged.

*hypogonadal means castrate levels. It was pure Glucose as we find in Cola, Sweets, Fastfood and stuff like this. Normal Sugar is a di-sacharid glucose+fructose and honey is mostly fructose yes. Fructose is not fast acting. Paper. They used 75g (which is high but achievable for fast and junkfood eaters) but when you do high intensive training your metabolism is altered anyways.

Best bet would be to have your own well. Otherwise, Im not really sure... one way is to make sure you are eating protein, no sugar, and no estrogen containing products (Ice cream etc) working out is also a great way to produce testosterone. But the absolute #1 is no porn!!! Hardest but most effective.

yea I'm trying nofap - now I really know where the big balls talking comes from.. :D
I'm eating as much protein and fat as I can, cuz Ima hardgainer and my keto works since I can remember
but my problem is my chronic pain since my shoulder injury..
cuz of this I had a time where I couldnt move at all.. and now workout is still not fun.. :(

I made it a month on monk mode then when to soft mode for a few months. Then I relapsed hard and but it’s so not worth it. Back to soft mode (I am married) and it feels great.

pls explain deeper

Monk mode in abstinence from everything. Soft mode is just no porn.

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