meaning of life, why in world are we here, surely not to just live in pain and fear.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The ultimate question yes why are we here surely not to just live in pain and fear as john lennon said in one his songs called INSTANT KARMA. Is there a reason, does there have to be reason if you go with the creationlist that so were just a bunch of randon cells and dna that by some magical reason came together cell by cell by chance sometimes called Darwinism are we just ape man and we just die and thats the end of it once were dead we are gone for good this crazy 18th centry thinking is what got us in this mess today and lot people still belive this nonsense that we came fron the apes when we die thats it were gone for good mainly alot religous christians belive this rubbish but suppose they can belive what they want even though its wrong i think alot of these peole are mainly called materialsts that they belive that concousnus sorry for spelling anyway concousnous is in the brain somehow but i dont see how this can be as quantum physics tells us that atoms are 99.9999999 empty space or as prefer to think of it as 99.999999999 full of energy well what is empty space well its not empty its full of energy like sci says there is enogh energy in a centimeter cube of space to boil all the oceans in the world and probably some left over we are swimming in sea of energy so if atoms are empty sapce we are made of atoms so we are empty space there is no such thing as physical object ther just diferent frequencies matter does no exist you dont exsit but yet your here arnt you or are you i hate when people say we create our own reality its true in way anyway matter dosent exsit when you try to look at matter there is no ending you keep going smaller smaller dividing and dividing and never come to the end because your only dividing empty space so there is no end all we have is energy and information we live in information world simmler to computer game but holografic there is no time no space only now time past present future are all happening at the same time its like a cd if you watch cd you see only what you are watching or that frame now but all the rest of the film is on the disk or the rest of the information is all there similar to world so its hard to get head around but past present and futre are all in the now or happening now there is only now if the world is like the cd all the information is on the cd simlar to past present and future its just from were we se it we see it as past happened future going to happen but thats from 3d point of view and is incorrect just ask eienstein so if take quantum physics as example were its called super postion were one photon can be in two places at once just how quantum computers work they take advantage of this superpostion when photon can be in two states at one time it can be a 0 or 1 at same time or as shroudingar expressed it can be dead or alive at same time people think this very odd how can on thing be two places at once or dead and alive same time its just how fundamental particals work i dont think its weird at subatomic level this how things work even eienstien had problem with wrapping his head around this one also theres another strange property of sub-atomic particles as well known as eientsein called it spooky action at distance this is another one eienstein couldnt wrapp his mind around this one either but they had done this experiment 1000s of time with same outcome so in the end he had to belive it its says if you have to particles that have somehow interacted with one another they are said to be come entangled with means if somthing is done to one particle instantly the other particle will also change also say you cause one partcle to spin up then the other will do the oppsite and spin up instantly no matter how far away it could be in another country it could be on the otherside if universe but it will respond instantly hence the fraze spooky action at distance this also basis of quantum computers this experiment has been done 1000s of times over and over and always same outcome how can something communicate over far distance instantly they say this how remote viewing works takes advantage of entanglement and superpostion well back to space so people say concosnous is in the brain that is not true either part of it might be there but most of it is outside the brain any way so how can particlebe in two places at once the only way is there are multiple realitys or multiple worlds dimensions all existing at the same time a particle can be in two places at once untill it is measured or looked at at that point it fixes its postion in the 3d world so what all this mean well that world is much more stranger than you think its like everything looks solid and if bang head it will hurt but quantum physics tells us thats not the case as atom is empty space and we are made up of atoms hence we are also empty space simple logic even though it looks solid it is not for example when you sit on chair your not actually touching the chair you floating ever so slightly above it atoms cant touch each other otherwise you have fusion when you touch something your only touching the field around the item becase if atoms particles touch each other they tend to enilate each other as we no from atomic bomb thats what happenens when particles touch each other i think science has got in this mess as dosent take account of the non physical just consantrates on the material world basically if cant see it it dosnt exsist type of approach so is this it we just get born live 70years then die of cosre not we dont die death dosent exsit we are emortal we live forever or our soul does well that is the true part of us the body does die but that is not us unless you are identified with it the more you identify with 3d world the more you get trapped the more you think you are the body and you are joe bloggs fromm so so the we just need this human body to be able to interact in this 3d world similar to space suit but the real us the core of us is non physical the real us the higher us or higher self the human body is true master piece of engeneering its the pinnacle of gods creation his master piece of truely intellegent design part of natural inteligence nothing can come close to human body it can make any chemical combination it needs its like minature pharmacy in the cell even the cell is master piece of miniterisashon thats just cell then brain heart on on on its almost indiscriblbale master piece of inteligent design we think iphone or laptop is complicated compared to human or anybody it dosent come close to single even human cell 50 trillion cells all working together people seem to forget the real master piece is the human body but we take it for granted this is real intelegent design our technology dosent even come close to body its true wonder real master piece of creation maybe our technology will come close to it in about 10 thousand years but only close no were near to it is just a true master piece...

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