
Wrong. I have another that shows only whites contribute to the economy and non-whites combined are a drain. That means all that money going to non-whites or the "diversity tax" could be going to science, education, etc etc.

Also notice the 220 billion paying off interest on debt, or in other words going to the Jewish bankers who own the federal reserve and loan the government its own money, at interest. The hours working for that money amounts to slavery. Americans are enslaved by Jewish bankers. Also, Israel benefits from the military funding, so again, slavery.


This only shows that the majority of funding goes to social security, unemployment and labor. If you're going to make a statement that whites supply all the money, while non-whites are a drain, and by saying so imply that all non-whites are essentially useless and are the main problem in our societie's spending and debt issues, you are going to need to find a credible chart that spells it out in terms of race. Astounding statements require astounding evidence and this chart, that doesn't even mention race is not astounding enough to back up your astounding statement. Especially, being that social security goes to mostly old people of all color, being that there is no racial requirement to collect on it, only an age requirement. However, I do agree with you on the fact that the Federal Reserve lending the U.S. government it's own money at interest, and that that is awful, and I can't believe the Federal Reserve Act got signed into law by anyone who thinks they're an honest man (Woodrow Wilson Dec.23, 1913, right before Christmas while most Congress members were away with their family), you'll also need a chart showing how many people in the Federal Reserve and Central Banking System are Jewish to back up your point. Not saying that there aren't Jewish people in the banking system, but there are plenty of Christians and other people in the system that are not, so what will you have to say about them? Probably just that they are crooks and bad people, which would be true and already proven to any knowledgble person through a number of sources. I believe that is more the issue when it comes to the banking system. Not "Jews". Just bad people who are power mongers. Just as with a lot of the social entitlements, I know a lot of white people who make more money not working than I do working. Though, there is a disproportionate racial spread on the welfare scale, that could be due to say, poor schools in their areas purposefully set up by the Rockefeller Foundation's public schooling programs, not allowing them to get a good education and thus making it very difficult as a cultural issue to find work in their area. Not an excuse, just pointing it out. This is an issue of mentality and personality not color or religion. If you would like to prove me wrong and make an astounding statement you're going to need astounding evidence. And if you prove me wrong I will learn something new today which I love doing, so please do. And I would just like to point out one thing, I am very anti political correctness and see what you are trying to do and appreciate it, the white straight male is very hated on in today's American SJW culture. It's just most people are very brain washed and I just want to make sure we have all our facts straight and ready to go so maybe we can undo some of this brain washing and that's all I'm trying to do here. I'm not trying to attack you. I am attempting to give some constructive criticism and I hope that's how you end up thinking of it.

Here ya go.The average white has 400k of his money taken and given to a black person in the US. No, this is not okay. Jews are 2% of the US population and make up over 40% of the 1%.



Wow man. Well, you just enlightened me. I listen to a lot of Stefan Molyneux who talks a lot about the racial IQ spread and how that drains on things related to what we're talking about, but never has he gone this deep. Now, if someone comes and looks at our comment thread they will see all that information. So thank you for that and for teaching me something new today. Now Im wondering why it is the way it is, and what we can do about it without infringing on others rights and the Non-Aggression Principal. The hard part isn't even done yet, which is to get people to not look at this data and these facts as racist much less actually resolving it in a constructive and positive manner. Looks like we've a lot of hard work a head of us as a country if we reconcile with it at all to begin with.

Stef is good stuff, hes done similar things.shitskin-welfare-leeches.png

Much agreed. I need to start accumulating all these graphs and stuff for myself as well. These are some great tools in the current atmosphere of debate that we find ourselves in the States. Sadly, most people, when shown that they are wrong with undeniable evidence, will call you a racist and a misogynist and resort to utter character assissination. Their objective is not to learn but to be right, and it's unfortunate and dangerous. But thanks for the info man. Please send whatever you like my way so I can continue on my path of truth and learning.

And this, this is just amazing. Have you ever read Tragedy and Hope? I know the name and authors name gets thrown around a lot but I'm in the middle of reading it and it actually does talk a lot about this and how it began with the banking system. Which then of course spread to everything being that certain people had a strangle hold on the supply of money. Very interesting man. I will definitely be following you.

No, I havent read that although Ive heard of it. Ive got a lot more info on this stuff, like thousands of quotes and charts and graphs and historical reference, statistics.. Ive got so much its hard to post it all, especially over steem. This platform feels very clunky to me, on Dmania it logs me out every time I make a post for example. I have to constantly worry about the rules around taking other peoples work, Im not even entirely sure what they are. I am beyond being able to be convinced otherwise, Ive seen so much over more than a decade - I know what I know, Ive got enough evidence to win a court case for conspiracy to genocide if I had to.


I hear that man. This "diversity" program is really just cultural and genetic genocide. People think genocide means one thing but it doesn't. There are multiple ways to commit genocide. I guess my only contention, is that all of us black white and so on are victims of the oligarchy and engineers. I mean we're all responsible for our own life and as the data shows, some people take more responsibility than others, but the cards are stacked different ways for different racial groups as to get certain outcomes for certain groups and that due to a handful of people. Honestly it may not even be a contention. It sounds like you agree with that and are saying it's the Jewish elite. I just think it goes deeper then that. I think the Jewish elite are using the religion as a mask for some darker stuff. Good stuff though man, keep it up

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