Fixing Posture - Part 5: Massages

Hello Steemit, muscle pain is inevitable, it can be an old injury or just something that suddenly start irritating you and it will not stop. Having over worked muscles or your posture compromised causes a lot of kinks and knots in our body. Having deep tissue massage is great for alleviating pain.
The benefits of have a deep tissue massage:
- Increases blow flow in the body which causes healing to improve
- Reduces inflammation
- Loosen tight muscles cluster
- Improve overall blood pressure
- Breaks up scar tissue
- Stress reliever.
90 percent of the people who read this knows that massages are great. I'm an anomaly, I am not a fan of massages but I do believe in the benefits. I do help out the family when I was younger when they asked for massages and I have a natural talent for it. They were confused and would ask how did I know what to do to fix their back. it still remains a mystery til this day. There are many reason why people can't get massages because of the inconvenience, money, or unavailability which brings me to...
Lacrosse ball

Peanut Lacrosse ball
This improve many of my family's lives when they started using it. My mother, dad, brother, and uncles all are a huge fan of these. The idea of lacrosse ball is to place it either on a wall and lean into or placed on the ground and lay on top of it to target stubborn pains and aches caused by tight muscles. It is used by many athletes but also adored by people that hate the idea of working out. The purpose (for example) is to place it somewhere on your back where it is the most uncomfortable and leave it there for around 20 - 30 seconds so that your muscle in that area would slowly release itself. What I personally do is to put 2 of these under my desk roll my feet with them.
Foam roller

Foam Roller
They are great for the overall body. Less intense as the lacrosse ball but they can improve your posture as you roll on top. Here you also do the same thing as the lacrosse ball you lay on top of it and find a tender spot and hold it there for around 20 - 30 seconds if you can and move to the next spot. I don't advise rolling the lower back since your spine is already curve in and your creating more of a sway back. This improve circulation on your thighs, side torso, chest, or any part of your body that can rest on top of this.

This is the first thing I purchased when I had tense shoulders because I had a laptop bag which was a sling style bag. The uneven weight distribution caused intense pain and knots in my shoulder which I had no way of stretching it out. During that time I was a student living in the dorms. No car, not a lot of money, and it was super inconvenient to travel one hour to see a physical therapist for a massage. This was introduced to me by my brother who has knots majority of his life because he had bad posture. I gave it a go and it worked! This is great for people who are in a chair and can't just lay down on the floor suddenly like in an office setting. This can be used when reading something on your computer or anything that doesn't requires hands you can start using this to help reduce the pain on your shoulder and neck.
These three products I always use if I feel that my muscles are tight or overworked that particular day. They are always in hands reach and has improved my over knot issues. Have a great day Steemit, hope this helps!