3 reasons, WHY you should talk a cold shower EVERYDAY

in #life7 years ago

"If you are willing to do only what's easy, life will be hard.
But if you are willing to do whats hard, life will be easy."

- T. Harv Eker

Congratulations on getting this far, you have taken your first step on a life-changing journey that will pay you substantial dividends if you put if you embrace what I'm about to share with you. It is only a simple task. I'm not talking about landing that career that will pay you millions in the future or meeting that dream man or women of yours. But I could be talking about how to get there.

I want you to do ONE thing for me. Before you wake up tomorrow, set your alarm for 6:00AM in the morning. When your hand can't make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head tell you thats its too dark, too early and too cold to get out of bed, listen to that one voice of defiance. Undress, walk to the faucet and turn it on to cold at full blast. I don't care whether you live in the burning hot deserts of Dubai or the ice cold landscape of the Canadian winter, just do it. When you feel that initial shock and agony, turn it into pleasure. Remember these three things:


This is pretty self explanatory, but if you're like me you want to be able to be strong enough to persevere through anything. Doing involuntary things that are uncomfortable will allow you do to tough but right things in life. We currently live in an era where almost everyone is addicted to simple things like TV, food and coffee, or even harder things like alcohol and drugs. Instead of succumbing to your animalistic desires which evolution programmed you to want, you can do things not for instant gratification but for true fulfilment like building your body, cultivating relationships and working on your mission. This is the type of willpower that you're building with cold showers.


Cold showers stimulate what is known as “the blue spot,” which is the brain's primary source of noradrenaline – a chemical which plays a role in alleviating depression. Studies back this up and I don't have any real experience with depression, but I do feel energised and have less brain fog after taking a cold shower, so that may be what they are referring to in the studies. Furthermore, If you're able to freeze yourself and over time become calm in the shower, when you have to talk to that girl or do something that would normally cause anxiety, you're calm and collected when you do it.


A study from England found that taking daily cold showers increased the numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells compared to people who took hot showers. Now if you know me, you question everything, and many studies are backed by companies who have an interest in profiting from a "reliable" study, such as the common knowledge that says breakfast is the most important meal of the day which was publicised by cereal brands. Regardless, I do believe this as true as exposing yourself to harsh conditions would force you body to adapt and anecdotally people have said that cold showers have helped their health overall.

Brown fat cells are our healthy fat cells, when we are introduced to a cold stimuli such as being out in the cold or being in a freezing cold shower we need to warm up, so this activates the brown fat cells that are thermogenic which start revving up and creating heat this boosts our metabolism and promotes weight loss.

If you keep these benefits in mind while taking a cold shower I promise it will be much easier. So I ask you, take on this life changing journey with me. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

Be sure to follow me for future lifestyle guides and my adventures!


Cold showers shrink things though...

The gym should fix that :P

Does ending a hot shower with cold shower counts? 🤔

Yes and no I think, in my opinion the best benefit you get is as soon as you jump in, its that initial shock that your body isn't prepared for that will put you in that kickass mindset. Following a cold shower with a hot one will do the trick!

LOL. I bathe in ice cold fresh mountain spring water every day, winter, spring, summer and fall at my off-grid home. Often right down at the creek itself, when it's warm out.

Haha thats awesome! What's it like there? Mad respect for you brother. I bet you're experiencing most of the above benefits ;), makes you feel alive doesn't it?

Life is good. Follow me and stay tuned to find out more! :)

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