The Steemit Name Challenge - @atopy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have been chosen!

Here are the original rules:
• Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
• Tell us your real name!
• If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
• Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
• Nominate 5 people for this challenge


When it comes to picking nicknames I am pretty unoriginal. What I usually do is rotate between 5 nicknames depending on mood. Atopy is the youngest of them though but I guess most don’t really wonder where it came from or connect the dots. The answer is plane and can be found as the first result on google.

Atopy is a predisposition toward developing certain allergic hypersensitivity reactions.

You can read more about it here.

Skin issues run in the family. Atopic dermatitis is one of them and my sister has psoriasis. For me it is more seasonal … usually connected with lowered immune system and combination of allergic reaction. For example last year I got sick and with the combination of winter cold (yes I’m allergic to cold + 90389 other things) my dermatitis made an appearance and took the stage for 6 months. Summer sun usually fixes it up.

So what helps is keeping my immune system up, hormones in check and daily skin care. I also have an unhealthy fascination with skin conditions.


My real name? Sure … It’s a nice common name. I already hinted it a few times in my comics. My niece calls me Babi, because she can’t pronounce the letter R. My sister calls me Barbi, short for Barbara.

It is the feminine form of the Greek word barbaros (Greek: βάρβαρος) meaning strange or foreign.

I would not change my nickname. I think I’m atopic enough to hold the title.

The term is from Greek ἀτοπία meaning "placelessness".

Thank you @bachuslib for thinking of me. :)

I also have to nominate 5 people: @holoz0r, @interceptor, @gotmeens, @warrkin, @steemitadventure. Get to it people. :3


I totally didn't see this :D Haha I made my entry today and added you on the list as well, luckly I randomly added 6 people I guess. :) Interesting, its not as funny as it sounded before, but it's nice to know.
Very nice, keeping it sweet, hope you know your awesome! :)

Unoriginal or not, I think Atopy is a very unique name. And it's so sweet, that's what I get in my head when I read your name - someone who's really sweet.
But not in an unhealthy way :)
The right kind of sweet, I guess.

Interesting. And your name would be pronounced like your neice here in Boston, maybe with the addition of 'wicked' As in, "Did you see Bahbi's drawerings? They're wicken pissah" Or there abouts ;)

My name is about as original as A Brown Dog. You get what the label reads :)

yeah... R's are important here. :) My niece will have to get her tongue clipped. Should have done it when she was a baby but they kept thinking maybe it will be fine etc. Right now it doesn't matter, since shes little, but with time you stick out.

Tongue clipped? Is that really a surgery?

It is a very common thing to do here. As said..R's matter here. Sometimes speech and language therapist can help with streching that frenulum...there are some excercises ment to do that. My niece does em (well sort of lol).

That's interesting. I've heard a few English speakers who can't pronounce R's. Jonothan Ross (ironically enough) is a British celebrity/comedian/presenter who seems to embrace his speech impediment. But yeah, in a culture where pronouncing R's is critical, I can see why people would resort to surgery!

...we have one politician...more or less the only media person i know here who can't pronounce R's - if the joke aint sad enough he has an R in his name and surname too. People will be people...hes a laughing stock and noone takes him seriously. There are memes made....example:

What he does is say H instead of the R's...most common one here is usually L or J (with children)...example: Barbara is Balbala or Bajbaja.

He doesn't seem to be too bothered with it. Bad publicity is still better then 0 publicity. But in general ... we are social creatures and more or less we have to talk daily to other people. If one cut can help you with that - to not stand out and not be hidranced, why bother.

I agree with what @honeydue said. I always thought Atopy was an abbreviation for A topping. A marzipan topping! 😊

Atoffy? :3 With the heavy addiction to sweets I'm not surprised if some of it leaks out in a form of words and in my art. :) I want sweets.....and this is my post :D maybe i should celebrate with some sweets

You definitely should! Now that you mention it, Atoffy sure sounds better than A topping 😂.

Those comics :)

What? No rashes? :3

You make it funny. I love it :)

...there went your chance to moon me :3 and ty :)

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