It’s Time To Find Your Soul Tribe!

in #life7 years ago

Urges toward unification and to be in community with other souls may be coming up for you lately as it seems to be increasing in so many of us it seems. Reunions with soul family members in which you feel like you’ve known each other for a very long time or through many lifetimes is happening much more frequently and rapidly, leading to fast unions and life changing geography shifts. Networks are forming based on frequencies of serving love that most match and fit each soul, as synchronistic events and connections bring those together who are meant to find each other.

These gloriously high energies of PURE love and light available to us now offer us a reminder of our galactic origins of collective, shared mind, and communal living experiences. We have spent much more of our soul’s existence within a unified consciousness then in the separated one that we experience in 3D reality, which we chose on the soul level to experience. We chose to experience the forgetting of telepathic and non-dualistic forms of communication, even as it is most natural for our souls. We chose to put a veil of amnesia over our remembering of Star BEing family, where fluid access of information and experience is available to ALL as a collective one mind download.

After living and existing separately and in insolation in so many ways, we are being invited to feel what ‘conscious community’ with our soul tribe family might look like and BE. To allow our desires for this to come up and out. To feel the fears that may come in parts of us to imagine this possibility. Our 3D conditioning is to remain self sufficient, taking care of our own needs, and our immediate families needs to the exclusion of anyone else. 3D living has supported the illusion of separation, especially with the 3D economic system of separate incomes, with many souls needing to work very hard in order to provide their own livelihood.

More and more bright light souls are gathering together and coming together is the picture that I was shown today during meditation with my guides today. They pointed out the bright beacons of energy (that looked like glowing dots on a map) that are vibrating from the grids over Gaia. These bright lights represent soul groups finding each other and living in as much PURE love as possible as they are also growing, learning, and awakening still as humans, especially related to emotional body maturity in relationships. They showed me the vortexes of energy created by these soul groups networking with each other, whether they are in local geography together (very BRIGHT energy then) or connecting virtually for now. These groups radiate a grid of unity out to the local surroundings around them and also out into the collective consciousness Web of Life. We forget in our 3D amnesia that we are connected to the Web of Life WITH each other in all ways at all times, until we raise our consciousness enough to BE this more and more.

My guides offered that even if it is only two souls coming together in sacred union or sacred friendship, their connection when based on higher frequencies of healthier love transaction, has an exponential impact on the Web of Life and the collective unconscious. And, of course, the MORE souls that unify in soul purpose, the MORE love energy is able to be radiated out as they support and enliven each other. They then presented me the flower of life figure from sacred geometry as an example of this. A central source of LOVE radiating out at different degrees and angles, with all of it ultimately interconnected. This is also what they have offered to me previously about Divine Source radiating out from the center of the ‘flower’, with the Archangels as the next degree of closeness out from it, then the angels, then spirit guides/Ethereal Beings, then us, etc. I could more FEEL what this meant then I am able to explain it to you in the moment through words……if you meditate on the flower of life symbol, you will probably be able to feel what was being offered as it LIVES in our DNA to be connected in this way to each other and is the blueprint of our original birthing as a fragment out of Divine Source.

The desire to live in like-mindedness, like-heartedness, like-soulness IS growing as more souls move out of a necessary lone wolf phase and into higher frequency desires for intimacy. As you awaken and go through the process of sorting through your relationships and healing birth family woundings in your emotional body, you become more drawn to higher consciousness relationships based on soul resonance and heart vulnerability. Intimacy with yourself then leads to a desire for intimacy with others that is just as nourishing, not less. You are just not as drawn to the traumas and dramas, codependent cycles, games and manipulations, etc. that are a 3D-based reality in relationships of all kinds. You would rather be alone than in ANY of that and, so, maybe you were OR still are. This may have been a very sacred lone wolf phase for you as you let go of what WASN’T you in your social body (which I feel represents our ultimate connection to unity consciousness) and could then feel the emotional body connections and wounded hookups that were playing out. The ultimate healing and growth opportunities in community are exponential, however, when compared to being alone as so many new triggers and reactions get pushed up in a new way.

In the now, we are being invited to feel into NEW EARTH commUNITIES and what these may look and feel like. Beyond the wounded frequencies of settle and shrink in so many of our birth family experiences, we can imagine and experience now too more health, more resonance, more mutual growth, AND more service of love when we come together and join our lives with each other in deepening ways. Serving love is the ultimate purpose of all this coming together in community and if it isn’t, then it is coming from a lower vibrational frequency of understandable codependence. At our most leading edge, our species is evolving from codependence to interdependence, where each “I” is respected in their sovereignty and individual will, even as they lean into intimacy with others. Our capacity to mature and heal our emotional bodies, where the deepest roots of codependency exist, seems to be KEY to experiencing this sense of being together yet not clinging to each other; bonded yet not bound; claimed yet not caught.

I have lived in this kind of community for many years and it has been a crucial and vital aspect of my awakening journey, even when it was just me and my husband Raphael in sacred union together. Coming together in community with our soul family tribe to heal the family wounds, to remember our unity origins, to network in support, and to SERVE LOVE is a sacred phase of our journey here into embodying our sacred humanity and one that we are being greatly supported to go into, live out……FEELing and HEALing as we go together!



totally agree! Having that community of people definitely brings the support, love & connection to dive deeper into human connection and soul connection on such a deep level. When you have that tribe it feels like home xo Followed you!