Reprogramming Your Mind to Live a Happier, Healthier LifestylesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Reprogramming Your Mind to Live a Happier, Healthier Lifestyle

We live in an age of pessimism dictated by news outlets, media reports, models, actors/actresses, elections and even those closest to us. We are fed lies every day from how society believes what our body type or size should be to news spreading across the world rapidly. Even the best optimists will get caught up in the negativity from time to time. The only excuse anyone can say is that this is the world we live in now. A world that expects a woman to be a 36 B cup, 34 inch waist, tight ass, with a bubbling personality. Where men are the soul providers for their families of four, and women are the housekeepers of the century. Our children grow up with bullies and haters that teach them every day that if you are not popular there is no room for you on this planet. Children committing mass suicide because of hate crimes. The world where the color of your skin means more than the person you are on the inside. This world judges a book by its cover rather, than what contents lie just beyond that hardback shell we wear as armor.


The society images of people are lies brought on by more lies fed by negativity and hate. Negativity can beaten if you truly want to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. We have to teach our children and ourselves to rewire what is hard programmed into our mind of acceptance. We must reprogram ourselves to see the good while feeding off of positivity rather, than feeding off of negativity and only seeing the bad in the world. To reprogram our mindset we must follow these 3 principles:

Forgive Yourself + Own Your Mistakes + Learn From the Past

That might actually sound quite easy to do but, I can assure you, that to accomplish these three principles you will have to face some of the most challenging circumstances possible. Many find it more terrifying to forgive themselves and own their mistakes than the typical fears and scares of spiders or clowns. I can tell you this, that if you follow these three principles you will live a truly happy and healthy lifestyle.

A little exercise to push out negativity in your life: Let's say, it is one of those really tough parenting days and it seems as if everything you are doing for your child is going wrong or so it feels like that. Maybe, some harsh words were said and you feel like the worst mother on the planet. Now's the time to reprogram your mind and push out the negativity. Repeat this as many times as it takes for it to sink in and you believe it.... I am not a bad mom, I am not a bad mom. I love my children unconditionally. My children love me unconditionally. I provide them everything they need to survive. I give them my heart and soul every day. I am not a bad mom. I am a good mom. I am a great mom. I am super mom. I am super mom. I am super mom.

Forgive Yourself

“It is time to forgive yourself for that thing you keep beating yourself up about”

Contrary to what society may try and make you believe you are not perfect, I am not perfect. There is no one on this earth that is perfect. The fact that you need to forgive yourself makes you more human than anything else. But, the problem is society. How do we forgive ourselves? Well, as I said before none of this will be easy and ask anyone who has had to forgive themselves the task is not as simple as saying “I'm sorry”. First, understand why you need to forgive yourself. What did you do that you must ask for forgiveness? Often times we put blame on someone or something else because it is easier than facing our own demons of the night. But, I can tell you the sooner you face those shadow lurking demons hiding in your closet the sooner you will begin living a happier and healthier lifestyle. You have to start by not obsessing over what could have happen and accept what did happen. Understand you are not a bad person or a horrible person, you are a good person that just happened to have a bad thing happen to them. Accept that you are a good person and accept that something bad happened to you. That is the first step in truly living a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Own Your Mistakes

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Mistakes do not make you a bad person. Sometimes those mistakes are as simple as taking the wrong turn somewhere and getting lost on a dark country road. Other times, you may regret not being there for someone you care about before they passed. Then, there's the occasion relationship mistakes, falling for the bad guy takes the wrong turn and everything goes up in flames. Maybe you cheated on a test in high school and its eating you up inside. A lie that sped out of control and quickly turned into a web of lies. No matter what the mistake was the only way to truly learn from it is to accept it, acknowledge it, and forgive yourself for it.

Learn From Your Past

“The Past Will Be Your Teacher If You Learn From it Or Your Master If You Live In It”.

Learning from your past may not be easy, in fact, it may just be down right cruel. The lessons in life are not always meant to be pleasant and sometimes they are more painful than we care to admit. But, those lessons are there for a reason. It makes us braver, tougher, and our armor thicker because we are smarter and know better than we did before. Take for example: Someone close to you passes away, you sit back wishing you had more time with them, holding on to every memory you ever had with them, your not learning from the past your living in it. To learn from the past, we have to change our actions. Same example but, this time instead of wishing you had more time with them you spend extra time with those that mean the most to you. You share your time with others in need and offer a shoulder for others to cry on. Now, you've learned from your past and you have shaped your future by taking action.

People always say that moving past your past is more dangerous than doing a buck twenty in a charger and perhaps, they are right on some degree. It takes a true person wanting to live a happier and healthier lifestyle to push past these things and own who they are. But, those challenges are worth every tear shed to truly be at peace with yourself and living a better life than before. Wouldn't you agree???

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I havent been on Steemit for long but this is one of my favorite blogs! A happy life can only come from within ..individuals who seek that external gratifcation will always be held hostage to their environment
Great blog - Resteemed and upvote!

Aww! Thank you @kaif I am extremely pleased you like the blog. That is so true! A happy life can only come from within, too many people live in the world where they believe material things will provide happiness but, its a lie. Only true happiness can come from within ourselves. I hope everyone finds true happiness.

When you have severe treatment resistant depression and trying to manage your life while caring for a disabled child, and fighting with the system to get him placed in a home in a timely manner, all of this will not work for me. But it was well written and well intended anyway. So I will upvote you for that. My life just plain sucks haha.

I am sorry you are having such a challenging time right now @miriamslozberg but, believe it or not I understand what it is like. My husband has been disabled for many years, he has severe epilepsy and I am his primary caregiver. I am unable to work outside of the home due to this. Then, last year, I nearly died from an infection in the colon and was diagnosed with crohn's disease. My point is, I believe everyone has something horrible going on in their life, the difference is how we handle it, work through it, and whether or not we have a support system. If you ever need to talk, I'm not far away from the computer.

I tell my kids often that they should not be scared to make mistakes - if you don't make mistakes you will never learn! As long as you try not and repeat those mistakes, its all good. Another way to learn is from other peoples mistakes - this is a lot less painful way to learn from mistakes ;)

But, other people cannot teach you about those mistakes because they are not you. Who's to say you would have made the same choices they did? That's where learning from your own mistakes and growing from your past is more important than what someone else has done. Would you not agree? @nzfxtrader

You make a solid point - mistakes that we personally make we feel and react, we grow more from.

Yes, exactly @nzfxtrader even though our own mistakes can be painful they give us a valuable lesson that later in life we will truly appreciate and learn from. Even when mistakes happen we do not always see them as mistakes until we look back on a similar situation and then, our eyes our opened to the mistake and how we can make better choices this time around.

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