Learn To Play The Tambourine

in #life4 years ago

This past year, America was inundated with a racial and political tsunami in the form of Black Lives Matter. As an organization, they alleged to be against police brutality and the killing of Blacks in society. However, they were eerily silent when it came to Black-on-Black crime. In fact, they still are. And for those that are outside of the Black community, this is where it falls apart. The slogan “Black Lives Matter” becomes a faux cry. A hollow, meaningless sop of lip-service. The questions that are never answered:

  1. To Whom do Black Lives Matter?
  2. Which Black Lives Matter?
  3. Why do Black Lives Matter?

There is a fourth question that also arises; what about “Black on Black crime”? Whenever onlookers bring up this question, the Left, the Progressives, the Pro-Black Wokety- Wokes, and the Social Justice Warriors all will try to dismiss it as being a straw man argument. Unfortunately, no matter how you dissect it, it is still a valid and legitimate counterclaim. As such, it deserves a valid, legitimate response.

The numbers do not bear out that Blacks are being actively hunted by the police or White Supremacists. A far greater threat to a young Black man is another young Black man. The “proximity” argument simply does not explain the disregard that we demonstrate amongst ourselves. In all actuality it underscores it.

Dr. Claud Anderson, states that Blacks are the least respected amongst other ethnic groups. They love our energy and creativity. But they do not love our mentality. He goes on to say the reason for this is varied. One is that we are not producers, but consumers. We even consume one another.

Another reason is the incessant blaming and the sense of entitlement. Here is what I mean by entitlement. There is the current prevailing thought that Blacks cannot be racist. As a result, any untoward behavior by a Black person to a non-Black person is deemed permissible and acceptable. No matter how reprehensible and overtly racist it truly is. This past summer, allowances were made for Blacks to riot, loot and commit mayhem; all in the name of coming against racial inequality and societal oppression. This fostered a “Do as thou wilt” mindset. This thought pattern persists. Many of our youth believe that they are not accountable to anyone. The Liberals who cheered on the destruction are now once again preaching diversity. In other words, they have moved on from Black causes.

The questions above should all provoke introspection. This would require awareness and a willingness to accept responsibility and accountability. It means dropping the victim ideology that is foisted upon us. And in turn, is embraced like a cloak by us. It necessitates the denouncing and rejecting of any notion that we are a powerless people.

These questions are never answered because the current leadership of Black America is bereft of any real solutions. Their livelihood is dependent upon keeping the narrative going. This is compounded by the reality that the voices in our community are far too feminine and feminized.

The penultimate answer from Black America must be “All Black lives matter and they matter most of all to us”.

Becoming The Change, You Want To See

Comedian Chris Rock has a routine where he talks about playing the tambourine for his significant other. He says for a relationship to work, you cannot always sing lead. Sometimes your biggest contribution to the health and longevity of that relationship is a willingness to allow others to have an opportunity to shine. And in those moments, you are making it work for the whole. Your part may be overlooked by others. But for those who know what they are looking at, they understand that without you playing your part, it simply does not work. This is the same for a healthy community. For any community to thrive, everyone must play a part.

What Is Required of Each of Us?

Few of us will ever be a MLK or a Malcolm X. Many of us will never have our names in print. Still, the part you play is vital. Here is how you can create change:

• Acknowledge and accept that you are a part of a community.
• Take personal responsibility and be self-accountable for your actions.
• Learn to play the tambourine. In other words, encourage, and cheer the success of others.
• Contribute to the community instead of being a drain or a blight. This is accomplished by doing the 3 points above.

In life, if you want someone’s help, you must first demonstrate that you are trying to help yourself. We must first "do for ourselves". Most Americans believe that charity starts at home. Any real change for Black America must start from within.


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