THUNDERBIRDS are NOT GO! - at least not yetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

On the 24th of October 1963 the Lengende-Broistedt Iron mine became flooded with water after the walls of a nearby pond collapsed. The water then flooded the mine tunnels trapping 51 miners in areas that natural in air bubbles had formed.

It soon became apparent that it would be extremely difficult to rescue the trapped miners due to their location being so far down and surrounded by water. The rescue mission was slow and laborious and 40 of the miners sadly died. Eventually, after 14 days underground, eleven miners were rescued. Today it is still called a miracle that any of the miners survived at all.

The terrible disaster caught the attention of the world´s media including the United Kingdom. One particular British person was so captured by the story that it lead him to create a children’s television series that became the most popular children's TV show for the next two decades. This man was called Gerry Anderson and the TV show he created was called Thunderbirds.

Gerry Anderson began to wonder why there was no international rescue organisation that could be called upon in such disaster situations. An organisation that would have no political, racial or religious agenda but was merely there for the soul purpose of saving lives. He came up with the idea of creating a fictitious family called “Tracy” who owned an island somewhere in the Pacific. The head of the family was Jeff Tracy who was an ex American astronaut who had somehow become a multi-millionaire. In a shear act of pure altruism Jeff Tracey, together with his sons, decided to invest in converting an island into a base that would hold fantastic aircraft and machines designed to tackle any imagined disaster situation.

These machines/aircraft would be called “Thunderbirds” with one Thunderbird being in earth’s orbit constantly monitoring distress signals. "Calling international rescue....callng International rescue".

In 1965, two years after the German Mine disaster, the TV series “Thunderbirds” was launched onto the British Tv viewing public and was greeted with unprecedented success.
As a child of the 60s myself I grew up with Thunderbirds and owed several Thunderbird model toys as did millions of other children.

A few days ago I stumbled upon an episode of the series which was actually a reconstruction of the German mine disaster and here we get to see just how such an international rescue organisation could or would have managed the situation. Fabulous giant drilling machines and earth moving machines quickly got to where the miners were trapped. The international rescue team also worked together with the local town with then using helicopters to take the wounded miners to hospital. As usual the situation was tense but in the bed alls well that ends well.

Watching this episode again  inevitably brought back wonderful memories. However, as I enjoyed the nostalgia, my smile suddenly changed to one of being rather sad and serious. The reason being because I also remembered thinking as a young boy that such an International rescue organisation was real. To my innocent naive child mind I  thought that the world was a such wonderful place that such an organisation simply must exist. The world was a place in which the number one motivation in society was to respect human life. All human life, in spite of race, religion or country. At least that is how I was raised by my parents to believe. I believed that human life transcended all petty differences. I so believed this that I went and asked my father how I could join the Thunderbird team when I became an adult. Realising that I was serious, he sat me down on his knee and told me that such an organisation was mere fiction. When he saw the sadness on my face he went on to say; “Perhaps by the time you become an adult there really will be an International Rescue”.

 In theory, the fictitious billionaire astronaut Jeff Tracy created International Rescue because he was altruistic in nature. If we look up the word “altruism” in the dictionary we see it states:
“The selfless concern for the well-being of others” - the opposite of selfishness.
Today, 53 years after the first episode of Thunderbirds was aired, there are still as yet no signs of any such International Rescue organisation being formed in spite of the world having more millionaires than at any time in history with even a fair number of billionaires who have the wealth of entire countries.
Instead all I can see are the world's top 1% super rich holding onto their wealth more tightly than ever and respect for human life diminishing with each passing year.
And so, with a heavy heart, I was lead to wonder how and why the hope of wide eyed young boy dreaming of an altruistic future ended up being the very opposite?  I guess hardened adults reading this might respond by saying that I was merely a child and thus naive about the world. But then if  is the case, then I would ask them to explain why Mr Gerry Anderson, who at age thirty six, came up with the idea of such an organisation in the first place? But perhaps Mr Anderson was somewhat more realistic than I, for the world in which Thunderbirds was set was in the year 2065, some 47 years in the future. So perhaps I should not give up hope just yet. As for Gerry Anderson himself, he died in 2012 at the age of 83 and so never go to see his idea come to pass either.

But I for one salute the man with all my heart for ever bringing fourth this wonderful altruistic idea to generations of children who, at least for a brief period of their lives, believed that world was a better place than it really is.


Well to be very honest i went with story all over, i did not watch the series of #ThunderBirds as i was not even born during the 60s. But the way you described them is really appreciable and off course it was huge idea by great Gerry Anderson to on- air it relating that sad incident in the form of catatonic version (factious). This was a very innocent wish and your father tackled the situation in a very wise way, loved these lines..

I went and asked my father how I could join the Thunderbird team when I became an adult. Realising that I was serious, he sat me down on his knee and told me that such an organisation was mere fiction. When he saw the sadness on my face he went on to say; “Perhaps by the time you become an adult there really will be an International Rescue”.

I hope that one day this world become a place of brotherhood and peace without any class difference and religion, I hope!

By the way it felt really great to see you back after almost 1 month the beautiful soul @arthuradamson
You know what your writing always inspires me to copy you, the way you writes and the way you convey the thoughts. Really appreciable <3

My the lord protect you from any evil eye and you may write for us for a very long period.

PS: Off course i missed your writings in all these days Mr. Arthur

Peace to you <3

Always wonderful to read your replies my good fellow. Indeed, this was my intention with this convey the idea that all human-beings are equal of respect no matter what race, religion or political ideoligy, and it is at such time of disaster that the world shpuld be able to come together to save lives no matter what their status.
Thank you for your kind words. I have been ill for some weeks now but thankfully I am returning to good health now. Peace to you too @salmanbukhari54

It is the core message of all religions that stay united, there is no need to create own sects, political parties or corporation just to suck the blood of poor. I am so much obliged that you loved the comment and appreciated it, means lot <3

Hope so you will get well very soon, best wishes for your sound health the beautiful Soul Arthur :)

Thank you for your kinds words and support my good man, I always appreciate it, truly-

Stay Blessed The Great Man :) <3

Maybe as you said in 2065...let's hope @arthuradamson..

The saddest thing is that, even with tons of money, the Thunderbirds could not be a reality.

A huge boring machine... it does not work. Such a thing would most certainly kill the trapped miners on its way to excavate the miners.

But really, we have so many giving to red cross and other humanitarian aid... and they have nothing.

Have you seen the red cross hospital boat? That looks more like a prison? And gets shipped places... where it looks like it is never used... accept to harvest organs?

Lets look at something that happened in america. Hurricane Harvey. And the lack of water that ensued. So, why wasn't truckloads of water being shipped their before the huricane ever made landfall? Why wasn't truck loads of food being shipped their?

Well, part of the reason is, we do not have extra food, nor do we have extra trucks. All the trucks used in hauling food are already used up hauling food. They do not sit idle.

But, there were all kinds of other trucks, and trailers. But we had no one putting out calls to truckers saying $50 an hour if you show up here and haul water there.

Everything in the world is a just in time practice.
So, if you want to make sure your family survives a catastrophe. You have to store it all yourself.

Yes indeed, you convey the sadness of the situation that I tried to express in this post. I know the boring machine would not have worked - it was a children´s tv show - but the point was that the wealth in the world could easily have hired genius designers, engineers to create specialised machines for times of disasters. If there is a will there is always a way. The problem is, and this was the main point I was trying to make, we just do not have the will or desire to help others because we have become ever more selfish instead of altruistic.
Always appreciate your input my good fellow @builderof castles

Instead all I can see are the world's top 1% super rich holding onto their wealth more tightly than ever and respect for human life diminishing with each passing year.

It's amazing at how those with wealth feel the need to keep accumulate more and more. How they feel the need to hoard their wealth and maximize their gains.

We need people to help each other and stop thinking of only themselves.

Absolutely my friend. I blame the financial system which is like a gigantic monopoly game with the main intention for one player to end up owning everything. Because that is what life is about right? 50 million years of evolution for single celled organisms gradually organising themselves into one ultimate organism that became sentient just so one person can end up owning everything. I am not at all against wealth or people becoming financially secure but what is the pint of just having it for the sake of just having it. There is a big difference between being financially wealthy and financially healthy.

Oh how I missed having you around

People helping others was actually a challenge I just issued out to those who read my last post. While it wasn't about money, it was about helping someone in need. Honestly I think many issues of the world could be fixed with some simple compassion.

I will check out your post my good fellow

Thanks! Pretty sure you will enjoy it.

Also just announced a contest today to help out some of the smallest members of Steemit get some eyeballs on their works. If you have time later in the week and can spare some voting power take a look at some of the entries and who they feature. A entry needs to feature 3 blogs that you think deserve more attention and why.

So really hoping that people will look at the entries and help out these smaller members who are creating good content to get some upvotes.

Going to do this contest for at least 3 weeks. Hoping we can help hook a few small members on steemit when they get some better rewards after being featured...time will tell.

Good idea, I will check them out

Thank you for looking and your support my friend. The contest is something I'll be running weekly and from the response so far one I'll be able to keep going past my original 3 week commitment and probably be able to increase the number of winners for. Support has been great in terms of votes and more important people liking the idea of supporting the smaller members out there. Been going to each post and upvoting those featured to help the smallest members get benefit from the contest too. Only issue I'm running into daily now is voting

Hiii my friend @arthuradamson..!
WellCome back I think after a month you are here, glad to see you. you nicely describe the whole story about Thunderbird a famous serial. and I also feel too much sorrow and sadness about the victims of terrible disaster of miners in 1963. This all was happened due to lack of latest technology. The initiative of gerry anderson open the way and his ideas and plans help to latest technology, I also appreciate and support you to always shared informative article, well writen and convey messages to humanity. Take care, may GOD's Blessings on you.

Thank you @rabeel, you are such a caring human-being my friend and I always appreciate your feedback.

I always feeling happy to see your post and its my desire that you should more active on Steemit.

When he saw the sadness on my face he went on to say; “Perhaps by the time you become an adult there really will be an International Rescue

i am also waiting for the day when we have an organisation who will support and will provide international rescue operations for not only disasters for other barbaric acts
but respect for human life has totally lost
i am living in a place where we are waiting from last 60 years to get rescued from forced occupation and daily bloodbath.
unfortunately when the organisation like UN cant rescue us what can be expected from others
i still cant find the better place
i dont think better place even exist here!

So sorry to hear of your plight my friend, my prayers go with you.

thanks for the concern!

Hey Man I hope you are fine. Just wanted to know that where are you busy now a days ? I am bit sad for your absence @arthuradamson!

altruism to my best of knowledge is having regards for others or a selfless service to hamanity. the first study ot altruistic behaviour was done with bees.

and it shows that animals show altrustic behaviour than man.

i was not born when the desaster happened but one thing is that man is gregorious we do things only to gain at last .even the people doing philanthropic behaviour most of them either have political ambition or wants to be recognized so that they will be having aids or sponsors that will support that scheme thereby making money out of there philanthropic scheme.

racial abuse

another problem that will take along time or that can never be solve from my own thought .
if you watch football that is the place you will notice this very very well.Especially spain and england also united state they do this very very well.


i dont thinks that anybody in this present life can render that kind of selfless service due to the individualistic praticeses .eg(fame and ego) that rules the world.

good friend it has been along time.

Do you use discord or have another way we can chat for a few minutes? Want to run something by you.

Hope everything is ok as it's been a while since you been online. Know you were pretty busy last time we chatted and hope it's just that again.

Hi, sorry Ive been online - Im working very hard with a whole new collection of artwork for an exhibition and it is taking up all my time.

Very cool! Hope you get to share some photos at some point. Would love to see it.

If you have a chance one day my contest for curating smaller bloggers is going good. Would love if maybe you could stop by some of the entries and give them a boost. Use up a bunch of voting power in one shot and then let it recharge vs it being wasted right now. Not asking for any votes for myself, but rather for the actual entries.

This weeks post is here and all the entries are listed at the bottom of the post. Don't try and deal with all the comments....that gets really long and it's way easier to find the entries via the post.

If you don't have time I totally get it, life comes first. But if you can that would be great as these people are all going a good thing helping out newbies.

No worries my friend - I will surely try and look in every time I log on and check out the posts. Happy to help my good fellow : )

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