In an could have all vanished

in #life7 years ago

I need to lead this off by saying my wife is a bad ass! She handled a survival situation like a pro and took the right steps to get to safety. She is my rock and my soul, and i am so happy to have her in my life.

Saturday night, while driving home from work. My wife lost control of her vehicle and went into a ditch. She was about a mile from home. The entire ground was coated in a thick sheet of ice, and walking on it was impossible. There was no signal on her cell, and she couldnt stay in the car, because the car was almost sideways and looked as if it was going to roll down the hill. She did only what she could do. She walked.

It was wet, near 20 degrees F, and she had to go up hill. The road was impossible to walk on, so she walked through the drain ditches....

Most of the trip was up hill. At her halfway point, she had to crawl on her hands and knees through the ice up the hill just to have traction.

She made it home just before i was to leave to go look for her. She was about 45 minutes later than usual and i knew something wasnt right.

She was in light shock, her hands and feet started to get numb, and she was close to hyperthermia, but she was safe. She made the right choice.

To top things off. When she went to get out of the car, the door swung back and closed on her hand, and the handle is half broken so she couldnt open the door. She had to rip her fingers from the car door jamb. Her fingers on her right hand were smashed and slightly mangled, but should heal in time. She crawled through and up a ditch using that hand...

She was home. She was safe, but she almost wasnt. In an instant...i almost lost the one thing more precious to me than my own life. Never again will we travel these roads in the cold like this. It was like a sheet of black ice miles long with bends and twists of a rough mountain road.

We have to get it dislodged from the ditch today, and i doubt the car is drivable. It will put us in a really bad spot losing a car, and i am in hopes to have a solution quickly.

Moving here to the Ozarks took pretty much every cent i had, and we werent expecting something like this to happen, but we will figure it out, i hope.

I could have lost her, but we got very lucky she went into the ditch when she did. A couple more feet and she would have dropped another 8-10 feet into a culvert and been trapped.

Give your loved ones a hug today, things can happen so quickly that you may miss an opportunity. Im glad i was able to tell my wife i loved her again...





My biggest fear when without cell signal is my car breaking down. Sorry your wife had to deal with that, sounds really scary.

Yeah it was scary indeed. We are both still a little shaken from how close she came to disaster. Im glad shes safe and mostly unharmed! 😊

If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. My friend, @mobile-joat, is a very good mechanic and probably lives pretty close to you. We could swing by and take a look at your vehicle and get it up and running again. Do you have the ability to get it out if the ditch or do you need help with that? I have a 1 ton truck with a car hauler trailer.

We have AAA coming today to get it out. (Thank the in laws for that! It was a housewarming present!) Ill be able to asses it once its out. Im pretty sure the suspension is bad, but we shall see. Ill keep you posted thank you so much!!!!

Thank God your wife is alright. As for the car, I've seen a few like this every time bad weather hits... I don't think I'd go to say it's that badly damaged from the photo, but even if it is... I think it's definitely repairable. An as @bluerthangreen says "we're only a phone call away!"

I would love for you to come look! My family is helping with what they can, i agree it is repairable. It had some other things we needed to get fixed before inspection but its been a good car.

I think lookin at repairs would be great!

Are you on discord?

It sure is treacherous on your road. Thank God she is okay and hopefully the car is okay as well.

It really is. It was still so bad yesterday that the AAA tower said he wasnt going to come out til today.

Wow! How scary!
So glad she made it home safely!

Oh my goodness! That front wheel....buried like that....whew.

She said the only think she knew to do was cut the wheel and in hopes to dig in and keep from sliding. Her instincts proved right!

I'm so glad your wife is ok!! Nothing worse than the feeling of being cut off with no cell phone. How are her fingers?

ice is treacherous.
glad she's ok..

So happy that your wife is ok. The fragility of our life is scary when it's thrown in our face. How are the fingers? Best wishes for good healing and financial recovery!

So glad your wife is safe and sound! It is a horrible experience to spin off black ice. You are so fortunate to have so many good friends and neighbours willng to help out. How is your wife's hand?

Its ok. Soft tissue damage and a couple days in a splint but i think it will heal ok. Thank you for asking! 😃

I'm glad she is safe and I agree your wife is a badass :)

Thanks from the both of us!

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